Problemsolving, Creativity, Timemanagement, Teamwork, excel sheet, computer, Organization. Customer service.Adaptability. Operation of laundry machines. Knowledge of cleaning agents and techniques. Basic maintenance and troubleshooting.
Playing team sports.\r\nDesigning, drawing, and painting.\r\nReading books and articles.\r\nWriting a blog. \r\nPracticing yoga. \r\nGaming and solving puzzles.\r\nTravelling and making connections.\r\nState the problem clearly. ...Include a personal anecdote. ...Explain the features and opportunity. ...Describe the business model. ...Use real customer experiences and testimonials. ...Introduce your team. ...Include a market strategyPlaying a musical instrument. \r\n
Taj lands end mumbai has laundry valet (01/08/2011) to (22/7/2022)\r\nMountain shadow restore has laundry supervisor (14/02/2023) to (15/09/2023)\r\nUclean has laundry Area Trainer (9/12/2023) still working \r\n
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