userskills like '%land surveyor%' or userskills like '%building surveyor%' or userskills like '%inspection of sites%' or userskills like '%material inspection%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%land surveyor%' or userskills like '%building surveyor%' or userskills like '%inspection of sites%' or userskills like '%material inspection%') and profile_id<151317 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Land Surveyor pursuing overseas employment

I believe I will be an asset to you if considered working in your company. I am reliable, flexible, hard working and open to any change that may occur with the growth of the company. I have a vast experience in land survey, concreting, material testing, road inspection amongst others. I believe that I will be a perfect candidate for this role and an asset overall to your company.
Serial No: 151317
Skills keywords: building surveyor, inspection of sites, land surveyor, material inspection
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Laboratory tests and field quality control\r\nField surveying and computation of qualities\r\ninspection of works\r\nsteel fixing\r\nplan interpretation\r\noffice works\r\nEarth works and Bitumen tests

Interests & Hobbies:

playing soccer\r\nreading\r\nmaking new friends\r\ncarrying out research of new business ideas

Previous Employment Details:

2021 May - Feb 2022: Foreman at BuildTech Enterprises ltd.\r\n2020 Nov - April 2021: Foreman, Osie Building Contractors\r\n2019 Nov -Oct 2020: Survey Works (levelling) with the China City Construction Company\r\nFeb 2019 - Apri 2019: Attached at intercontinental consultants and Technocrats Pet Ltd\r\nJan 2018 -April 2018: Attched at SIBI International Holding AG (Kenya) Dualing of Kisumu Boys Roundabout Junction (A1/B1)-Mamboleo Junction (A1/C34) - CONTRACTNO KENHA/RD/SP/1912/2016.\r\n2015-2016: worked as banksman with Egis International Material survey for Lake Victoria Ring Road.\r\n2015: worked as a casual laborer with Norken LTD Station Dagoretti Material Laboratory.

Current location:  Nairobi County, Kenya - View on map
Nationality: Kenyan
Preferred Sector of Employment:  other
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
