- BTS Biological and Biotechnological Analysis (level 6) graduate in 2013\r\nThis BTS has the same equivalent as a level 6 in Ireland. I learned how to be critical, using different methods of measurement applied through diverse applications such as Microbiology, Physics, and Biochemical. \r\n\r\n- French A-level in Science technical laboratory specialty: Biochemistry, BIological engineering graduate in 2011. \r\nThe French A level is equivalent to a leaving certificate. I learned different methods of study and some basics technics such as Microbiology, Biology.
I am interested in personal development. Everything which could have an impact on my life like Yoga or books. I like learning and I am not afraid to learn new things. For example, I am a self-taught ukulele and I learned how to surf recently. I believe that everyone can learn at any moment of his/ her life.
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