userskills like '%dietitian%' or userskills like '%sales%' or userskills like '%key account management%' or userskills like '%forecasting%' or userskills like '%people managemet%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%dietitian%' or userskills like '%sales%' or userskills like '%key account management%' or userskills like '%forecasting%' or userskills like '%people managemet%') and profile_id<113295 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Key Account Manager seeking work in the UAE

I am a young, enthusiastic and highly skilled sales professional. I am adaptable to any situation and I pride myself in being a fast learner.
I work hard and will chase any target and goal sent my way.
Serial No: 113295
Skills keywords: dietitian, forecasting, key account management, people managemet, sales
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Qualifications:\r\n- BSc Dietetics (NWU Potchefstroom Campus, South Africa)\r\n- Digital Marketing Short Course (University of Cape Town, South Africa) \r\n\r\nSkills and achievements:\r\n- 4 Years experience in Pharmaceutical Sales\r\n- Highest contribution to company turnover in 2018\r\n- High Flyer award 2019 (Biggest %growth in area)\r\n- Employee of the year 2018 and 2019\r\n- Selling skills training completed in 2017 (Abbott Nutrition, South Africa)\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

I\'m an avid reader and enjoy exploring new countries and cultures. \r\nI have a keen interest in health and nutrition and spend a lot of time trying new recipes and types of food.

Previous Employment Details:

Ethitech Health Innovation:\r\nJune 2018 - June 2020\r\nBusiness Consultant/ Key Account Manager for main company accounts \r\n\r\nAbbott Nutrition South Africa:\r\nJune 2016 - May 2018\r\nSales Representative \r\n\r\nLeratong Hospital:\r\n2015 \r\nCommunity Service Dietitian \r\n\r\n

Current location:  Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: South African
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Sales, Pharmaceutical and Science, Medical and Nursing
Spoken languages: English and Afrikaans
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
