userskills like '%autocad 2d/3d%' or userskills like '%3ds max%' or userskills like '%revit architecture%' or userskills like '%ms office%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%autocad 2d/3d%' or userskills like '%3ds max%' or userskills like '%revit architecture%' or userskills like '%ms office%') and profile_id<105580 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Interior Design / Store Manager

I think differently most people I know, I apply logic, reason and emotional aspects in equal proportion to the solution of problems.
I don\'t fit stereotypes very well. I often the odd one out in a group.
I have an unusual amount of intuition when it comes to people, I able to figure out motivations and intentions with a high rate of accuracy. Even with people whom I had very little interaction with.
I have a great self esteem and good confidence which makes me willing to seek out and accept challenges which I may not appear to be able to deliver on initially.
I am not afraid of failure,. In fact I think it is an essential part of the experimental process that gets you to success.
Serial No: 105580
Skills keywords: 3ds max, autocad 2d/3d, ms office, revit architecture
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor of Arts ( University of Calcutta)\r\n2 years diploma Interior Design (Inifd)

Previous Employment Details:

Stellar Home ( Bespoke Furniture Boutique) February 2011- Present\r\nNteriors January 2007- January 2011\r\nDesign Studio November 2006- December 2006

Current location:  West Bengal, India - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Construction, Manufacturing and Operations, Retail Wholesale and Purchasing
Spoken languages: Bengali, english, Hindi, Urdu
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
