Degrees\r\nMsc Business development \r\nStrategic Marketing managment specialist \r\nIndustrial microbiologist\r\n\r\nCertificates\r\nIELTS test level B2\r\nSales excellence program. Comprensive business advisor.\r\nISO 19011:2011\r\nFood safety GMP, HACCP\r\nAdvance excel course\r\n\r\nSkills \r\n\r\nOrientation data analysis \r\nBusiness intelligence and development\r\nStrategic marketing research\r\nScientifc, practical and technical microbiology understanding\r\nSales professional across healtcare and F&B sectors\r\nSalesforce\r\nSAP (sales and dustribution)\r\nExcellent customer relations\r\n
Working out in the gym and walking daily.\r\nReading personal develpment and scientific books.\r\nAnimal welfare\r\nTraveling \r\nCooking and eating healty food\r\nSharing time with close friends and family \r\nListening to music (clasic, salsa and rock)
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