Certificate in Logistics and Transport, Motor Vehicle Mechanic Artisian I, National Craft Certificate.\r\n\r\nSkill; engine diagnosis and repairs, auto electricals and repairs, Inspection and quality control of rebuilds; writing reports and other and other work related documents, training of apprentices and mentorship of semi-skilled individuals\r\n\r\nOthers: Air conditioner repairs, generator installation and maintenance, Upkeep of parts inventory
Mountain climbing, \r\nGardening,\r\nListening to books on tape.
1. Colcom Zimbabwe, Motor Vehicle Mechanic - Year 2022 to current\r\n2. Maintenance Supervisor; AMS Integrated Global Solutions (Afghanistan)- Year 2021\r\n3. Maintenance Workshop Consultant, The Development Initiative (TDI). Mali- United Nations Mine Action Service (contract)- year 2016- 2019 \r\n4. Motor Vehicle Mechanic, The Development Initiative (TDI) (South Sudan)-United- Year 2012-2015\r\n\r\n\r\n
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