userskills like '%microsoft suite%' or userskills like '%understanding the internet%' or userskills like '%pc repairs%' or userskills like '%it support/ networking%' or userskills like '%advanced computer literate%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%microsoft suite%' or userskills like '%understanding the internet%' or userskills like '%pc repairs%' or userskills like '%it support/ networking%' or userskills like '%advanced computer literate%') and profile_id<138286 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

ICT Technician interested in working abroad

I write to express my unreserved interest in working as an IT technical specialist in your reputable organization.
I bring with me innovation and improved standard in your IT operations. I am well prepared to take on new challenges the role poses to offer, carry out responsibilities, and be consistently available.
I believe my CV highlights the skills and experience you seek in your preferred staff, I am hereby willing to put in best efforts to exceed expectations.

I am best to work with or fit into any team as I have developed team player and people relationship skills. I am proactive, smart, and quick learner; I do not give up easily when faced with difficult challenges.

Serial No: 138286
Skills keywords: advanced computer literate, it support/ networking, microsoft suite, pc repairs, understanding the internet
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Computer fault diagnosis and repairs\r\nData backup and recovery\r\nDatabase management support\r\nSoftware testing, installation\r\nAntivirus management\r\nRemote installation and support\r\nDesktop application support\r\nUser Application Training\r\nInternet-Network management\r\nOffice IT infrastructure setup\r\nMS Office Suite and 365\r\nMicrosoft Azure, Teams, and SharePoint\r\nGoogle suite Apps\r\nBandwidth management\r\nCisco Meraki and Mikrotik Routers\r\nCorel Graphics Design\r\nWebsite and Social Media support\r\nProcurement recommendation\r\nData entry and analysis\r\nAccurate Typing speed

Interests & Hobbies:

Computer/Video Games\r\nSpace Research\r\nFootball

Previous Employment Details:

National IT Officer - Search For Common Ground - October 2018 to current\r\nIT Support Officer - Maryland Global Initiative Corporation - May 2018 - Sep 2018\r\nNetwork Administrator - Peniel Apartments Limited - Nov 2016 - May 2018\r\nIT Support Officer - Devyani International (KFC Nigeria) - July 2013 - Aug 2016

Current location:  Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Construction, Hotel and Catering, Oil, Gas and Energy
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
