userskills like '%risk management%' or userskills like '%internal audit%' or userskills like '%external audit%' or userskills like '%budgeting/financial planning%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%risk management%' or userskills like '%internal audit%' or userskills like '%external audit%' or userskills like '%budgeting/financial planning%') and profile_id<122014 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

I am a Top four trained Chartered Accountant.

I trained as a Professional Accountant in a top four firm for six years and obtained varied experience in Taxation, Liquidation and Receivership. I have obtained both local and International Experience having worked as an Internal Auditor performing Internal Auditing and Risk Management for thirteen years with one of the worlds foremost Mining Companies AngloGold Ashanti.
I have first hand experience at the highest level of Management having worked as the Chief Operating Officer of the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre for a six year Period.
My broad working experience spanning over a twenty plus year period gives me the the dexterity to be successful in a wide range of roles.
Serial No: 122014
Skills keywords: budgeting/financial planning, external audit, internal audit, risk management
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Master of Business Administration (University of Manchester UK)\r\nChartered Accountant (ICA Gh)

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading and Lawn Tennis, Interested in the Practice and development of Internal Audit and a member of the Audit Committees of the New Times Corporation and the Ghana Maritime Authority, Was a former Council member of the Institute of Internal Auditors in Ghana

Previous Employment Details:

Title: Risk and Internal Control Specialist(December 2020 to date)\r\nRole: Conduct Audits and provision of business advisory services to clients\r\nFirm: Joseph Nelson Consult (Chartered Accountants)\r\n\r\nTitle: Chief Operating Officer (May 2014 - July 2020)\r\nRole: Deputy to the Chief Executive and Responsible for all operational divisions of the Centre. Provide leadership for the Strategic Planning Process. Supervise The Director of Finance and Administration to develop, implement and manage the annual budget.\r\nFirm: Ghana Investment Promotion Centre\r\n\r\nTitle: Internal Audit Manager (January 2000 - November 2013)\r\nRole: Managing and Conducting Risk Based Auditing locally and Internationally. Key Part of the Internal Audit Team that set up the risk management systems, designed audit programs and conducted internal audits that ensured that AngloGold Ashanti successfully complied with the Sarbanes Oxley Act.\r\nFirm AngloGold Ashanti Ghana \r\n\r\n

Current location:  Greater Accra Region, Ghana - View on map
Nationality: Ghanaian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, Banking Insurance and Financial Services, General Management
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
