userskills like '% microsoft word%' or userskills like '%Microsoft Excel%' or userskills like '% Microsoft PowerPoint%' or userskills like '% Microsoft Access%' or userskills like '%Social media skills%' or userskills like '% Typing%' or userskills like '%Document controler%' or userskills like '% management%' or userskills like '% Time management%' or userskills like '% Discipline skills%' or userskills like '%sales and Business Development%' or userskills like '% marketing%' or userskills like '% customer service%' or userskills like '% customer satisfaction%' or userskills like '% communication skills%' or userskills like '% self motivation%' or userskills like '% Problem solving skills%' or userskills like '% Attention to detail and focus skills%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '% microsoft word%' or userskills like '%Microsoft Excel%' or userskills like '% Microsoft PowerPoint%' or userskills like '% Microsoft Access%' or userskills like '%Social media skills%' or userskills like '% Typing%' or userskills like '%Document controler%' or userskills like '% management%' or userskills like '% Time management%' or userskills like '% Discipline skills%' or userskills like '%sales and Business Development%' or userskills like '% marketing%' or userskills like '% customer service%' or userskills like '% customer satisfaction%' or userskills like '% communication skills%' or userskills like '% self motivation%' or userskills like '% Problem solving skills%' or userskills like '% Attention to detail and focus skills%') and profile_id<113472 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Human Resource Management specialist

I am mba ( Human resource management) Qualified I have Professional office work experience and the post to which I am going to apply us also a manager job which is according to my Qualification that\'s why I am applying for this job.
Serial No: 113472
Skills keywords: Attention to detail and focus skills, communication skills, customer satisfaction, customer service, Discipline skills, Document controler, management, marketing, microsoft access, microsoft excel, Microsoft PowerPoint, microsoft word, problem solving skills, sales and Business Development, self-motivation, Social media skills, time management, typing
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Skills:\r\nMicrosoft office\r\nMicrosoft Word \r\nMicrosoft Excel \r\nMicrosoft Access \r\nTyping \r\nDocumentation\r\nSocial media skills\r\nCustomer service skills\r\nCommunication skills \r\nManagement skills\r\nMarketing skills\r\nTime management skills\r\nAttention to detail and focus skills\r\nDiscipline skills\r\nProblem solving skills \r\n\r\nQUALIFICATION:\r\nMaster MBA- human resource management \r\nGandhara University\r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\n1 Jan 2009- 30 Dec 2010\r\n\r\nBechlour Bsc- Biological sciences \r\nuniversity of Peshawar\r\nPeshawar,Pakistan\r\n1 Jan 2003- 30 Dec 2004\r\n\r\nHigher Secondary Education Fsc- Premedical \r\nmunicipal inter College Wazirbagh \r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\n1 Jan 2001- 30 Dec 2002\r\n\r\nSecondary Education - Science \r\nGovernment high school zaryab colony\r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\n1 Jan 2000- 30 Dec 2000\r\n\r\nCertificate in Freelancing \r\nVirtual University Islamabad \r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\n1st may 2020 -30 Aug 2020\r\n\r\nCertificate in Graphics Designing \r\nVirtual University Islamabad\r\nPeshawar, Pakistan\r\n1 May 2020 - 30 Dec 2020 \r\n\r\nCertificate in Computer Typing \r\nNida college of information Technology \r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\n10 Mar 2012 - 10 June 2012\r\n\r\nCertificate in Microsoft office\r\nAssociation for Human Development \r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\n4 June 2008 - 5 Aug 2008

Interests & Hobbies:


Previous Employment Details:

currently working as Freelance graphic designer\r\nat \r\nsince 1st october 2020\r\n\r\nOffice Assistant\r\nTalha Scientific Suppliers \r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\nJan 2016- Dec 2019\r\n\r\nComputer operator\r\nTalha Scientific Suppliers \r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\nJan 2014 - Dec 2015\r\n\r\nakaful Consultant\r\nPak Qatar Family Takaful ltd \r\nPeshawar, Pakistan \r\nJan 2011 - Dec 2013\r\n\r\n

Current location:  Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Pakistan - View on map
Nationality: Pakistani
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Admin and Clerical, Marketing, Hotel and Catering
Spoken languages: English Urdu Pushto
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
