userskills like '%nurse assistant%' or userskills like '%clerical%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%nurse assistant%' or userskills like '%clerical%') and profile_id<130829 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Home Care Assistant

I consider myself for the Job because I have about Nine years\' experience as a home care assistant and with my skill I believe I can offer more.
Nursing has always been my passion and I believe I have all the credibility to stand out for the Job.
Serial No: 130829
Skills keywords: clerical, nurse assistant
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Health Care College\r\n\r\nSecondary School

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading, Football and Shopping

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Current location:  Brong Ahafo Region, Ghana - View on map
Nationality: Ghanian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing, other, Admin and Clerical
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
