userskills like '%maintenance and repairs%' or userskills like '%customer relations%' or userskills like '%great observation%' or userskills like '%clerical%' or userskills like '%quick learner%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%maintenance and repairs%' or userskills like '%customer relations%' or userskills like '%great observation%' or userskills like '%clerical%' or userskills like '%quick learner%') and profile_id<154116 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Groundskeeper seeking work all over the world

I am a highly organized and safety conscious Groundskeeper with a team oriented mentality offering over 8 years of hands-on experience in landscaping, grounds maintenance and building access maintenance. Thorough and dedicated worker skill at conducting inspections to maintain or troubleshoot building or ground issues, and familiar with horticulture products and tree lawn diseases. Communicative, friendly demeanor, service-oriented and reliable in maintaining tight schedules and meeting all customer needs. Malleable hard worker, I am ready to expand my skills while facilitating company growth.
Serial No: 154116
Skills keywords: clerical, customer relations, great observation, maintenance and repairs, quick learner
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

46 months of clerical experience in gardening and horticulture with LA DYNAMIQUE\r\n14 months of clerical experience in agriculture field \r\n15 months of clerical experience in the service industry \r\n36 months of clerical experience in the construction field \r\nComputer literacy \r\nConstructing patios, irrigation and aeration, repairs and maintenance, applying fertilizer and tree stacking, tree pruning and removal, seed and bulb planting, monitoring health of plants, landscaping and gardening, sowing grass seed and mulching gardens, installing lawn furniture, trimming and edging flower beds, ...

Interests & Hobbies:

Soccer, Reading, Music, Travelling

Previous Employment Details:

Office Boy from September 2021 to Present\r\nI started at Strong Point Educational and Training Institute as an Office boy and got a promotions as Office Administrator (Counselor Advisor). My main responsibilities include: to assist lecturers and trainers by making sure the environment is conductive for each training session. Regularly assessing equipment performing minor maintenance and notifying the building manager about needed or replacement. Performing daily cleaning and periodic deep cleaning to maintain a neat appearance. Monitoring health of the plants.\r\n\r\nGroundskeeper December 2015 to July 2021\r\nPrepared soil planting seeds, bulbs and shrubs. Applied fertilizers and pesticides to lawns and grounds. Removed overgrowth, hazards and debris. Analyzing and troubleshooting equipment. Installed underground sprinkler systems.\r\n\r\n\r\nGeneral Laborer July 2011 to August 2014\r\nMaintained awareness of workplace hazards. Operated both motorized and non motorized material handling equipment safely to move pallets. More details available upon request.\r\n\r\n

Current location:  Dubai, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: Cameroonian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Hotel and Catering, customer service, Travel and Tourism
Spoken languages: english, french
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
