userskills like '%FMCG%' or userskills like '%sales management%' or userskills like '%dairy industry%' or userskills like '%demand management%' or userskills like '%branch manager%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%FMCG%' or userskills like '%sales management%' or userskills like '%dairy industry%' or userskills like '%demand management%' or userskills like '%branch manager%') and profile_id<113264 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

FMCG Sales

Track records proved in- Fontera Brands , Coca ~Cola & Nada Dairy the capacity i hold as a leader, Manager
Managing Resources in proper manner and completing tasks on time.results oriented, capacity of managing pressurized environments,
Trust in skills and develops staff.
Serial No: 113264
Skills keywords: branch manager, dairy industry, demand management, FMCG, sales management
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

With Below Work experience \r\nNADA Dairy (Bahrain & OMAN) - 5 Years (2 Years as ASM -OMAN Head of Operation)\r\nNADEC KSA- Sales Supervisor \r\nJohnson\'s Baby Sri Lanka - Manager Modern Trade\r\nCoca~Cola Sri Lanka - As ASM & Account Manager (Modern Trade) \r\nABU ISA Qatar - Acting Brand Manger\r\n\r\nabove experience have helped to develop below Skills \r\n@ Analytical , multi tasked, Self motivated, Planing, Quick learner, Good trainer , Ability of understanding subordinates well , good in followup\'s & Evaluating staff regular basis. \r\n\r\nTotal of 24 Years sales & Marketing Experience with 7 Years of Gulf experience with leading brands.\r\n\r\nQualified - 2nd stage CIAM (BD) - Colombo Sri Lanka .\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

Experiencing new Food (Also cooking new dishes )\r\nTraveling, photography \r\nand a nature lover

Previous Employment Details:

NADA Dairy - Aug 2015 to Sep 2020\r\nBahrain & OMAN - Sales Supervisor & ASM OMAN \r\n\r\nAbuisa - Acting Brand Manger 2013 - 2014\r\n\r\nJohnson\"s Baby - Manger Modern Trade - 2012 - 2013\r\n\r\nNADEC - Sales Supervisor 2010 -2012\r\n\r\nCoca~Cola - Modern Trade Executive , ASM & Account Manger 2006 -2010\r\n\r\nLaugfs - ASM 2006\r\n \r\nFontera Brands - Modern Trade REP 2003 - 2006 \r\n\r\nAre some of of my work related experience \r\n\r\n\r\n

Current location:  Muscat Governorate, Oman - View on map
Nationality: Sri Lanken
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Sales, Retail Wholesale and Purchasing, Marketing
Spoken languages: Arabic, english, Hindi, Sighalees
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
