userskills like '%financial controller%' or userskills like '%budgeting/financial planning%' or userskills like '%budgeting and forecasting%' or userskills like '%analysis / analytical%' or userskills like '%business analyst%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%financial controller%' or userskills like '%budgeting/financial planning%' or userskills like '%budgeting and forecasting%' or userskills like '%analysis / analytical%' or userskills like '%business analyst%') and profile_id<104970 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Financial Controller seeks employment

Serial No: 104970
Skills keywords: analysis / analytical, budgeting and forecasting, budgeting/financial planning, business analyst, financial controller
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Master Degree (International Economics)

Previous Employment Details:

Delivering effective guidance related to budget and finance process and support the fund managers by conducting staffing analysis and reports on the utilization of WFP\'s financial resources according to KPI. Create detailed budget reports focused on regular and extra-budgetary funding and create reports aimed at measuring performance (actuals vs/ planned), final updates provided to various spending units within supply chain division and to division directors. Support the year-end financial closure by reviewing the availability of funds and re-classifying commitments and actuals where required. Steer efforts to evaluate and assess budgets and actual expenditures modifications. Streamline all aspect of funds management functions within the division by creating and utilising templates.

Current location:  Lazio, Italy - View on map
Nationality: Italian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, Admin and Clerical, Manufacturing and Operations
Spoken languages: english, italian
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
