userskills like '%microsoft office (word)%' or userskills like '%• microsoft excel%' or userskills like '%share point%' or userskills like '%microsoft outlook%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%microsoft office (word)%' or userskills like '%• microsoft excel%' or userskills like '%share point%' or userskills like '%microsoft outlook%') and profile_id<105956 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Finance Manager/Banker seeks work internationally

Have been working locally in my country... and my dreams i want to share my experience of work internationally.
Serial No: 105956
Skills keywords: • microsoft excel, microsoft office (word), microsoft outlook, share point
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Masters in Finance Engineering and Management.\r\nLicence in Finance and Management

Previous Employment Details:

Jan 2019- present, working for Coris Bank International (Kalaban Branch) bank manager.\r\nMay 2015- 2018, working for Coris bank International (bako Djikoroni Branch) Bank manager.\r\nJan 2013- Oct 2014, working for Auto Centrum Gamby (Finance and Administration Manager)

Current location:  Bamako Capital District, Mali - View on map
Nationality: Malian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance
Spoken languages: english, french
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
