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Finance Manager. 20 years of international experience

Finance Manager with more than 20 years of experience in diversified and multicultural work environments and as a responsible for strategic business development. Extensive national and international experience. Living and working in Spain, Poland, France, Oman, Equatorial Guinea, Ghana, Nicaragua, and Dominican Republic. Deep understanding in different industries such as construction, Real Estate, food, technology, security, Retail and health.

Deep knowledge of the Financial Area in International Environments, expert in IFRS and several national accounting standards, Audits, Control and Optimization of Costs, Budgets and Forecasts, Treasury, Negotiation with Banks, Institutions and Funds, Analysis and Evaluation of information. Continuous improvement.

Proficient in Board Room reporting and communications.

Experience in newly established companies, manufacturing companies, mergers/acquisitions, and implementation of ERPs.

Management of teams of more than 50 people. Recognized successful experience in challenging projects.
Serial No: 121621
Skills keywords: account management, control management, finance management, office management/administration, treasury management
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

- Master\'s degree in Financial and Economic Management - Univ. a Distancia de Madrid, 2014-2015.\r\n- Mater\'s degree in Business Administration (MBA) - Instituto de Empresa, Madrid, 1995-1997.\r\n- Master\'s degree in Taxation and Tax Advice - Centro de Estudios Financieros, Madrid, 2003-2004.\r\n- Bachelor\'s in Economic and Business Sciences, Universidad de Extremadura, Spain, 1987-1992

Interests & Hobbies:

Cinema, sightseeing, reading, studying languages, enjoying friends and family, yoga and swimming.

Previous Employment Details:

- Director of Finance and Administration - Rango Construction Company Ltd. - Accra - Ghana.\r\nFinancial leadership, budgets, reports, compliance, audits, HR, policies...\r\n\r\n- Freelance - Interim Finance and Administration Management: From January 2015 - currently. Trading of raw materials. Searching of financing for projects. Working at Reganosa in Accra - Ghana - to support the set-up of a new branch. Previously in different companies (such as Deloitte, Pescanova and Btd - construction company) and countries (Equatorial Guinea, France and Nicaragua). 50% reduction on taxes, increase of bank loans by 100%, savings of $300k in 5 moth on the factory cost, consolidation of 73 companies in 50 countries,... SAP implantation, financial monitoring and control of Equatorial Guinea, Cameroon and Gabon, Public Authority Relationship.\r\n\r\n- Director of Finance and Administration: Becsa SAU (Muscat-Oman). From August 2014 to December 2014. \r\nConstruction company. SAP implementation with cost savings of 22%, increase in cash-flow forecasts and risk minimization, optimization and development of monthly closing and reporting systems, implantation of budgets and predictions systems.\r\n\r\n- Finance Director: Sistemas Avanzados de Control SAU (Madrid-Spain). From December 2011 to July 2014. \r\nManufacturing group. VAT and Income Tax consolidation (improving the cash-flow by 20%), R+D+i tax deductions, change the cost systems (direct costs to standard costs), increasing financing by 500%, Public Authorities relationship, implementation of Rolling Forecast system, introduction of Lean-Manufacturing System (time savings by 50% and increasing factory capacity by 45%), SAP implementation.

Current location:  Greater Accra Region, Ghana - View on map
Nationality: Spanish
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, Construction, Oil, Gas and Energy
Spoken languages: english, french, spanish
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
