userskills like '%software development%' or userskills like '%cyber security expert%' or userskills like '%web development%' or userskills like '%senior front end developer%' or userskills like '%full stack developer%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%software development%' or userskills like '%cyber security expert%' or userskills like '%web development%' or userskills like '%senior front end developer%' or userskills like '%full stack developer%') and profile_id<181892 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Experienced Software developer, Cyber security expert

Skilled Full-Stack Software & Blockchain Developer. Experienced Software/Web
Developer with a demonstrated history of excellence spanning over 5+ years. Adept at
delivering tangible outcomes through meticulous attention to detail and a track record of
consistent success. Equally proficient in collaborative team environments and thriving
when working independently.
Serial No: 181892
Skills keywords: cyber security expert, full stack developer, senior front end developer, software development, web development
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Responsive Web Design: HTML5, CSS3 & \r\nJavascript.\r\n• Performant Backend: Node, Fastify, \r\nExpress, Fiber\r\n• Frontend Framework/Libraries: React, \r\nNext, Vue/Nuxt, Svelte/sveltekit, Zod, \r\nZustand, Redux, Boostrap, tailwind, sass, \r\nD3, ThreeJs e.t.c. \r\n• Programming Language: Python, \r\nJavascript, Typescript, Bash Scripting, C, \r\nand Go.\r\n• Web3: Solidity, IPFS, Hardhat/Truffle, \r\nWeb3js/Etherjs, Mocha/Chai, ChainLink, \r\nGraghQL, Rust and EVM Chain Creation.\r\n•\r\n• Server & DB: MongoDB, Postgres, Linux, \r\nDocker, Sys Admin, Firebase/Superbase,\r\nJavascript Programming FOR Blockchain \r\nDeveloper - Moralis\r\n• Frontend Web Development Ultimate \r\nCourse 2021\r\n• Complete DApp - Solidity & React - \r\nBlockchain Development - 2021\r\n• Polygon Bootcamp 2022\r\n• IBM Cloud Essentials\r\n• Meta Front-End Developer\r\n• Meta Backend-End Developer\r\n• IBM Cybersecurity Analyst Professional \r\nCertificate\r\n• Google Data Analytics Professional \r\nCertificate\r\n• Google IT Support Professional Certificate\r\n• Google IT Automation with Python \r\nProfessional Certificate\r\n• Google UX Design Professional Certificate\r\n• Frontend Developer Career Path - Scrimba \r\n• E-learnsecurity Junior Penetration Tester - \r\nEJPT \r\n• Frontend Developer: HTML5, CSS3, JS, \r\nReacts, Nodes & Bootstrap\r\n• A The Complete Solidity Course - \r\nBlockchain - Zero to Expert.\r\n• Solidity By Example\r\n• Solidity Engineer\r\n• Ethereum Developer Degree - learn

Interests & Hobbies:

Robotics and Drones\r\nAi and machine learning\r\nGaming\r\nSmart Farming \r\nEthical hacking\r\nReading\r\nListening to music\r\nKeeping Fit\r\nHealthy living\r\nMeditating \r\nSecurity research

Previous Employment Details:

SOFTWARE DEVELOPER - 05/2023\r\nAFROCARB, LAGOS\r\n• Served as full-stack and blockchain \r\ndeveloper for Afrocarb, an innovative carbon \r\ncredit marketplace bringing transparency to \r\nAfrica\'s carbon ecosystem.\r\n• Built company Dapp to provide seamless \r\nend-to-end user experience for carbon credit\r\nBLOCKCHAIN DEV - 05/2023\r\n\r\nHEALTHGO, NIGERIA.\r\n• Developing smart contracts to power their \r\ninnovative fitness and wellness platform. \r\nDesigned and coded the core smart contracts \r\nin Rust that enabled users to earn tokens \r\nthrough verified exercise and healthy habits.\r\n• The smart contracts will facilitate the tracking \r\nof over 50,000 user activities within the first 3 \r\nmonths. This work supported HealthGo\'s \r\nmission of leveraging blockchain technology \r\nto provide quality, affordable healthcare and \r\nwellness services across Africa.\r\n\r\nFREELANCE - 03/2022 to 09/2022\r\nGLORIVERSE, REMOTE - UK\r\n• Served as blockchain and metaverse \r\nconsultant for Gloriverse, providing strategic \r\nguidance and hands-on experience.\r\n• Conducted analysis and technology \r\nevaluations to inform platform architecture \r\nand roadmap.\r\n• Provided recommendations on implementing \r\ninteroperability, scalability, and security best practices \r\nBLOCKCHAIN DEV - 06/2023 till present\r\n\r\n(NAME WITHED), UK\r\n• EVM Blockchain Development:\r\nSuccessfully designed, developed, and \r\ndeployed EVM-based blockchain solutions.\r\n• NFT Marketplace Expertise: Led the \r\ndevelopment of NFT marketplaces, enabling \r\nthe creation, trading, and ownership of non-\r\nfungible tokens while ensuring a seamless \r\nuser experience.\r\n• Smart Contract Development: Proficient in \r\ncreating and auditing smart contracts for \r\nvarious blockchain projects, ensuring \r\nreliability and security\r\n• DEX Implementation: Engineered \r\ndecentralized exchanges (DEX) with advanced trading features

Current location:  Lagos, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
