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Experienced carpenter interested in the UK for work

I doing carpentry and I\'m multi skilled
Serial No: 147221
Skills keywords: bench joiner, cabinet maker, door fitter, doors & stairs, furniture, windows
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

blue print\r\nTrade test certificate \r\nframing\r\ncabinetry\r\nremodeling/repair\r\ninstall window sliding and door\r\ninstruct labour and other workers\r\nknowledge of building and construction\r\nattention to details\r\nthe ability to work well with others\r\nproblem solving\r\nget comfortable with measuring\r\nget comfortable with measuring.\r\ncommunication\r\njoinery\r\nfurniture\r\nCommunication\r\nMathematical skills\r\n\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

Curious to learn new helping techniques to get fast in work. Watching and playing cricket

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Current location:  United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Construction, other
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
