userskills like '%event management%' or userskills like '%microsoft office%' or userskills like '%office management/administration%' or userskills like '%excellent communication%' or userskills like '%manage multiple priorities%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%event management%' or userskills like '%microsoft office%' or userskills like '%office management/administration%' or userskills like '%excellent communication%' or userskills like '%manage multiple priorities%') and profile_id<143066 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Exec Assistant, 10 years experience, seeks work in UK

I have past 10+ years of experience. I will apply my knowledge, Experience & Skills to the best of my ability to assure Optimal outcomes.

I am always looking for a way to increase the value I bring to the company & raise my productivity to the next level. My ultimate goal is to become one of the company’s most valuable assets & a leading person.
Serial No: 143066
Skills keywords: event management, excellent communication, manage multiple priorities, microsoft office, office management/administration
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Qualification: Bachelor of computer applications \r\n\r\nSkills: \r\nProficiency in all areas of Ms Office, Excel, Word & PowerPoint \r\nExcellent verbal & Written Communication skills \r\nAbility to effectively to manage multiple, competitive priority \r\nFlexibility to respond \r\nTravel arrangements \r\nInvoicing \r\nTime management \r\nVendor & stakeholders relationship \r\nLiaison & coordinations \r\nTeam management \r\nMs Outlook Express \r\nOffice management \r\nEfficient under pressure \r\nReports development & Documentation \r\nSupporting to Hr, Administration & Multiple Business Partners\r\nKnowledge of budget, cost control procedure & concur system \r\nPrioritize workload \r\nStrong customer focus & approachability \r\nTeams & Zoom knowledge \r\n45 words per minute typing \r\nExperienced in managing events & plannings\r\nAccountability \r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

Traveling, Playing Games, Searching Internet, experiencing new challenges & making new friends

Previous Employment Details:

I have been working as a Meetings & Events Coordinator for 07 Yrs, 06 Months now in Pfizer Pharma & Biotechnology. I was a part of the Admin Support 03 Yrs & before that I worked 03 Yrs, 03 Months at Wyeth Biotechnology-Pharma. I have thoroughly knowledge of managing meetings & events, secretarial / Admin Work & Team Collaboration.

Current location:  Saudi Arabia - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Admin and Clerical, General Management, Pharmaceutical and Science
Spoken languages: Arabic, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
