userskills like '%environmental professional%' or userskills like '%environmental management%' or userskills like '%environmental sustainability%' or userskills like '%environmental scientist%' or userskills like '%environmental compliance%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%environmental professional%' or userskills like '%environmental management%' or userskills like '%environmental sustainability%' or userskills like '%environmental scientist%' or userskills like '%environmental compliance%') and profile_id<126423 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Environmental Specialist/Consultant Seeking Work in UK

I am an accomplished and safety-focused professional with stellar record of success in leading all aspects of environmental and social sustainability projects from conception to completion within diverse sectors such as energy, maritime, agriculture and construction.

I also have broad knowledge and success in environmental compliance with applicable guidelines and standards such as IFC performance standards, world bank E&S social safeguard policies, equator principles etc.
Serial No: 126423
Skills keywords: environmental compliance, environmental management, environmental professional, environmental scientist, environmental sustainability
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor of Science in Forestry and Wildlife Management

Interests & Hobbies:

History, Music and Sports.

Previous Employment Details:

COASTAL AND RECLAMATION ENGINEERING SERVICES (CARES) GROUP\r\nEnvironmental Consultant: 2013 - Till Date\r\n\r\nSpearhead and support in projects to ensure timely completion and accomplishment of targeted objectives, while complying with industry acceptable standard. Support in project management. and development of project documents, including scoping reports and technical studies in line with project timeframes. Assist with planning and execution of baseline surveys as well as definition of scope of work for technical studies and review of completed studies. Keep abreast with latest environmental legislation and compliance, policy, and guidance; procure relevant permits and certifications.

Current location:  Lagos, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  other
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
