TECHNICAL SKILLS:\r\nMATLAB, Simulink, PowerWorld, SimPowerSystems, LabVIEW, AUTOCAD, OpenDSS, PSpice, PCSCHEMATIC, PLC Ladder\r\nProgramming, SCADA, C, Knowledgeable of NFPA and NEC codes\r\nPERSONAL SKILLS:\r\n\r\nAdaptability, Time Management, Attention-to-detail, Problem-solving, Strong Math and analytical skills, Research-\r\noriented, Leadership skills, Technical writing skills\r\n\r\nOTHER TOOLS/SKILLS:\r\nKeysight, NI Software, MACCOR, MS Excel, Lab sphere (Light-matrix)
Electrical Engineer Feb 2018\r\nDuracell R&D, Bethel, CT\r\n• Developing and performing device-specific tests based on requestor’s requirement and claims\r\n• Analyzing and presenting the large amounts of data using excel spreadsheets\r\n• Involving in strategical meetings with the requestor to provide technical solutions for device-specific issues\r\n• Implementing automation in battery powered in-device rundowns to get accurate runtimes\r\n• Providing guidance and training for new hires to implement the determined test procedures\r\nGraduate Research Assistant Aug 2016 – Dec 2017\r\nUniversity of New Haven, West Haven, CT\r\nResearch Area: Power Systems, Microgrids, Smart Grid, Grid Resilience, Renewable Energy Integration\r\nThesis: Resilience Enhancement of Electrical Distribution Networks by Microgrid Partition\r\n• Provided detailed overview and importance of electric grid resilience in the modern power grid\r\n• Proposed islanding and reconnection of the micro-grids for resilience enhancement\r\n• Modeled islanding design for IEEE 34, 123-bus test feeders using OpenDSS and MATLAB\r\nControls Engineering Intern Jun 2014 – Jun 2015\r\nAdvanced Training Institute of Electronics and Process Instrumentation, India\r\n• Programmed and troubleshooted PLCs for water treatment plants and packaging industry\r\n• Experienced in working with Allen Bradley PLCs using RS-Logix 500
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