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Electrical design engineer seeking work in the UAE

Serial No: 52593
Skills keywords: electrical design
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

-Project Management & Development\r\n-Electrical building designing (high-rise building. School. Villa. Hotel...)\r\n-Project cost estimation \r\n-Design and develop lighting, power distribution, low current, telephone and( IT, CCTV, MATV, SMATV ,INDUSTRIAL GATES,EVSE,AVS,MCS ,ACS…..\r\n-Design and specify fire alarm and security system for commercial and residential buildings.\r\n-Electrical testing & Analysis.\r\n-Process Improvements.\r\n-Organize and supervise designers and CAD operators. Familiar with Auto Cad, Revit, Dialux, micro station Ms-Excel- Access –word.\r\n-Preparing and calculation load schedules.\r\nPreparing and calculation voltage drop.\r\n-Calculation of cable size (cable tray, trunks, ducts...)\r\n-Design signal line diagram.\r\n-Design lighting lux calculation\r\n-Design building management system (BMS).\r\n-Design earthling and lighting protection systems.\r\n- Coordinate with the other mechanical systems for desired electrical unit.\r\n-Fully conversant with NEC-ANSI-IEEE standards.\r\n- Fully conversant with SEWA, DEWA, ADDC regulations.\r\n-preparing drawings and calculation for EHS, ESTIDAMA.\r\n-Design building as green building equipment’s\r\n

Previous Employment Details:

Details on request

Current location:  United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: syrian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  , education and training
Spoken languages: Arabic, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
