userskills like '%dietitian%' or userskills like '%sports nutrition%' or userskills like '%nutritionist%' or userskills like '%special dietary%' or userskills like '%nutritional adviser%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%dietitian%' or userskills like '%sports nutrition%' or userskills like '%nutritionist%' or userskills like '%special dietary%' or userskills like '%nutritional adviser%') and profile_id<108071 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Dietitian Sports Nutritionist Seeking Work in UAE

I am a western dietitian and sports nutritionist with over 4 years clinical experience and 3 years sports nutrition experience. Having recently worked in Dubai, UAE I am keen to return and continue to put my knowledge and skills to use as I really enjoyed my recent experience and dealing with the varied client base of VIP clients and expats.
I have extensive clinical knowledge and experience in terms of calculating nutritional requirements, dietary considerations for oncology, eldery, stroke, diabetic, overweight/ obese, surgical patients and also am able to advice on meal/ snack timing, sport-specific diet advice and sports supplements for athletes and sports teams.
Serial No: 108071
Skills keywords: dietitian, nutritional adviser, nutritionist, special dietary, sports nutrition
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

BSc Human Nutrition and Dietetics\r\nMSc Sport and Exercise Nutrition\r\nISAK Level 1 Anthropometry Course\r\nBehaviour Change Level 1\r\nUK Anti-Doping Accredited Advisor for Sports Supplements

Interests & Hobbies:

Travel\r\nPlaying the piano\r\nPlaying tennis\r\nSocialising with family and friends\r\nCooking\r\n

Previous Employment Details:

Resident Dietitian Sports Nutritionist at StudioRepublik Physiotherapy Center, Dubai, UAE (September 2019- March 2020)\r\n\r\nBand 6 Stroke Specialist Dietitian at Royal Victoria Hospital,Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (May 2019- September 2019)\r\n\r\nBand 6 Surgical Specialist Dietitian at Ulster Hospital, South Eastern health and Social Care Trust ( July 2018- March 2019)

Current location:  Belfast, Northern Ireland - View on map
Nationality: United Kingdom
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
