userskills like '%data analysis%' or userskills like '%customer focused%' or userskills like '%customer relations%' or userskills like '%sales data analysis%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%data analysis%' or userskills like '%customer focused%' or userskills like '%customer relations%' or userskills like '%sales data analysis%') and profile_id<138643 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Data Analysis /Customer services expert

I have a high work ethics standard, my human relationship skills is top notch
Serial No: 138643
Skills keywords: customer focused, customer relations, data analysis, sales data analysis
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bsc Banking and Finance f\r\nDiploma in Customer Relationship management.\r\n\r\nRisks assessment\r\nMicrosoft Office suit\r\nPower BI\r\nSQL\r\nData cleaning\r\nData Analysis and Visualisation

Interests & Hobbies:

\r\nTravelling, baking, movies

Previous Employment Details:

High impact careers Apirl 2022-date.\r\nData Analyst \r\n. Utilise data analysis to monitor process efficiencies and identify data integrity exceptions.\r\n• Suggest product enhancements by leveraging understanding of data, customers and business.\r\n• Prepare reports, briefings and instruction manuals for business enhancement through data collection methods.\r\n• Provide innovative solutions from existing business systems and products.\r\n• Used business objects and intelligence to extract data from software-based solutions and information warehouses.\r\n• Solve challenging data integration problems and utilise data pipelines to drive actionable business insights.\r\n\r\nThe Nigerian incentive Based Risk Sharing System For Agricultural Lending 2017-date\r\n\r\nAgricultural Field Analyst\r\n\r\nResponsiblity :\r\nI integrated farmers\' data into the. company system database and drove healthy investment decisions.\r\n• Researched new modelling techniques for specific solutions and ensured reports and recommendations were captured.\r\n• Developed and implemented new templates to accurately identify, analyse, and interpret trends and patterns of \r\nfarmers\' data.\r\n• Provided new tools for strategic planning to increase agricultural financing.\r\n• Facilitate safe product transportation and manage relationships between farmers and partnering financial \r\ninstitutions to optimise processes.\r\n• Sensitise agricultural value chain actors and financial chain actors about NIRSAL and its services.\r\n• Carry out all field-related activities in the generation, implementation, monitoring, reporting and remediation of \r\nprojects within designated jurisdiction and the state.\r\n• Work as a liaison between Farmers, NIRSAL and partnering financial institutions.\r\n• Work closely with Agropreneurs to increase production and sensitise farmers on Good Agricultural Practices \r\n(GAP).\r\n• Provide consulting services to Agropreneurs and report the results of implemented market strategies to \r\nstakeholders.\r\n• Facilitate the relationship between farmers, market partners and buyers\r\n\r\nLight Micro Finance Bank 2016-2017\r\n\r\nCustomer Relationship officer\r\n\r\n. Got 1000 new customers to open savings accounts within 15 months.\r\n• Brought in over 100 customers who invested money in fixed deposits account, thereby increasing the client base.\r\n\r\n• Promoted high customer satisfaction by resolving problems with knowledgeable and friendly service.\r\n• De-escalated problematic customer concerns and input information into electronic systems.\r\n• Provided outstanding service to new and long-standing customers by attending closely to concerns and developing \r\nsolutions.\r\n

Current location:  Plateau, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigeria
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Marketing, Banking Insurance and Financial Services, customer service
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
