userskills like '%Bachelor\'s Degree In Computer Science%' or userskills like '%Software Developer%' or userskills like '%.NET Developer%' or userskills like '%C# C++ JAVA%' or userskills like '%Game Development%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%Bachelor\'s Degree In Computer Science%' or userskills like '%Software Developer%' or userskills like '%.NET Developer%' or userskills like '%C# C++ JAVA%' or userskills like '%Game Development%') and profile_id<38376 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

CV, Software Developer Targets Selected Countries

Serial No: 38376
Skills keywords: 
Current location:  Egypt - View on map
Nationality: Egyptian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  IT and Technology, Hotel and Catering, education and training
Spoken languages: Arabic, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere


• B.Sc. of Computer Science, grad. Year (2011)

Shorouk Academy, HICIT (Higher Institute of Computing and Information Technology) Department of Computer Science. Total Cumulative Grade: Very Good with honor. Cumulative Rank: 8th .

• Secondary School
Talaa El Kamal Islamic Language School (T.I.S)


Work Experience

 Software Engineer at NOOR From: 15/10/2014 To: Present

 Software developer at Symbyo technologies From: 01/02/2014 To: 01/08/2014

 Junior software developer at NOOR From: 01/12/2013 To: 01/02/2014

 Augmented Reality & Game Developer at Artgine From: 01/05/2013 To: 01/08/2013

 Android Developer at webkeyz From: 01/02/2013 To: 31/03/2013

 Augmented Reality & Game Developer at Small World Interactive (5D Now) From: 01/07/2012 To:03/02/2013

 Augmented Reality Developer at MOYA Tech for VR & Simulation Systems From: 01/11/2011 To: 30/06/2012

 ACM-ICPC Coach at Shorouk Academy From: 01/09/2011 To:25/11/2011



 360-DPS: working in the rendering part using OSG to replace open-Inventor.(year 2014)

 Virtual Dressing Room: using unity 3D & OpenNi library with kinect device, I created from scratch a virtual dressing room project, which aims to deliver clothes fitting rooms to a new stage that directly affects the industry.(year 2013)

 Hardees Show: Using unity 3D I created a proof of concept for kitchen workers training process on how to made a Hardees five star burger sandwich.(year 2013)

 Nurse Avatar: using Kinect and Unity3D game Engine… I created a controlled nurse avatar through Kinect that could interact with people in real-time according to their actions.(year 2013)

 IMRF (Interactive Mixed Reality framework): Creating a framework that makes the process of creating MR applications easier, faster and more efficient. Using C++ language with OSG (Open Scene Graph), OSG ARtoolkit, openAL and wxWidget libraries.(year 2011)

 Game programming: a simple 3D Game with advices from Jakob Schmid( J a k o b @ schmi d . d k, ja k o b @t o n ic g a m, Lead Programmer at Tonic Games. Using C# and XNA Game studio.(year 2008)


Technical Skills

 Programming Languages: Java, C++ and C#.

 IDEs: Eclipse, Visual Studio, Net Beans

 Frameworks: CodeIgniter.

 Programming concepts: OOP, Algorithms, Design Patterns, Data Structure.

 Android Development.

 Database: MySQL, Ms SQL Server, phpmyadmin

 Web: HTML, XML, PHP,

 Scripting Languages: Lua script, Java Script



Orascom (OTT)-(From (2010-10-20) to (2010-11-08))


Soft skills

1. Communication Skills.

2. Presentation Skills. 3. Time management.

4. Report writing and CV writing.


Interpersonal Skills

 Work well under pressure

 Able to learn new technologies easily

 Highly motivated

 Team worker

 Good communication and presentation skills.

 Leadership ability

 Public Relations & Negotiation Skills


Community Participation

 Currently I am GDG Shorouk “Google Developers Group” Team Leader at my Campus

 I was a Board member of the Life Makers Nasr City community (Mujaddun).

 I was participating with Life Makers “The Power of Science Initiative” as Supervisor

 I was SIFE ”Student in Free Enterprise” President at my Campus


Attended Events

• ACM/ICPC Arab and North Africa regional programming contest:
December 2009, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Ranked 26.

• ACM/ICPC National programming contest:
November 2009, Cairo University, Ranked 33.

• ACM/ICPC Arab and North Africa regional programming contest:
December 2008, Arab Academy for Science, Technology, and Maritime Transport, Ranked 26.

• ACM/ICPC National programming contest:
November 2008, Cairo University, Ranked 38.



 Arabic, mother language

 English, very good in spoken and written … with IBT TOEFL score (81) exam date: 05/10/2013



 Reading

 Playing Tennis

 Swimming

 Playing water polo


