userskills like '%production manager / engineer%' or userskills like '%logistics coordinator%' or userskills like '%metallurgist%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%production manager / engineer%' or userskills like '%logistics coordinator%' or userskills like '%metallurgist%') and profile_id<47329 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

CV, Production Engineer, Metallurgist Looking Worldwide

Serial No: 47329
Skills keywords: logistics coordinator, metallurgist, production manager / engineer
Current location:  North West, South Africa - View on map
Nationality: South African
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Manufacturing and Operations, Oil, Gas and Energy, education and training
Spoken languages: Afrikaans, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere


1. BSc Metallurgy

2. BSc Metallurgy (HONS)



1. South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (Professional Natural Scientist – Metallurgical) – Reg. nr. 400002/04

2. FPOS (First Person on the Scene) – Intermediate (BTEC level 2, Registered with the Professional Bodyguards Association, UK)

3. PSIRA Registration – Security Officer Grade C


1st November 2012 – 31st October, 2015
APPOINTMENT: Superintendent: Materials Handling
RESPONSIBILITIES: Management of Raw Materials buying and handling on site. Ore Sales to external customers. Management of Final Product (Ferro-Chromium); ensuring quality to client specifications and exports. Contractor Management: Bulk Materials Handling contractor and Alloy Recovery Plant.

1. Budgeting and cost control

2. SHEQ management within Business Unit (lead incident investigations, report to BU manager and SHEQ manager); elimination of injuries or damages to company equipment/property.

3. Monthly planning of raw materials consumption, and ordering accordingly to satisfy production units.

4. Quality control on materials received and final products to be shipped; visit client representatives to solve customer complaints in conjunction with marketing department.

5. Weekly meetings with internal contractors; monthly reports forwarded to BU manager.

6. Weekly progress meeting with Marketing director, GM and CFO re shipments/exports of final product; planning of following week shipments in line with production targets.

7. Custodian for continuous improvement initiatives in BU (including capital motivations and projects)

8. HR management in BU; training and coaching, discipline and grievance procedures, monthly industrial relations meeting with all BU’s labour representatives.

February 2010 – 1 November 2012
APPOINTMENT: Process Eng: Projects

New projects department established in-house. Project: Co-generation/Integrated Clean Energy Plant – utilizing off-gas from smelting furnaces to generate additional electrical energy for consumption at the smelting furnaces (construction to commissioning).

* Verify site position/foundations/cable tunnels and drains

* Concrete samples to materials lab (hardness test)

* Placement / installations of hardware (engine bays and in-field)

Management of the “Integrated Clean Energy Plant” after commissioning/in production

1. Projects: confirm P&ID’s and flow diagrams, site diagrams/drawings

2. Weekly projects meeting as Process Engineer

3. Commissioning of CoGen plant

4. Management of the budget/cost/production reports.

5. HR management in BU unit.

15th January 2008 – January 2010
APPOINTMENT: Superintendent: Beneficiation Plant

Appointed at the Beneficiation Plant as Process Superintendent, responsible for the total management of the plant (including plant specific project management), reporting directly to the Operations – Manager: Services Support.

Project team member: concentration of PGE’s from chromite tailings (design and commissioning)

Contractor management: small spirals plant operation on site (wash open cast ROM), Internal Transport

1. Budget and cost management.

2. HR management in BU; training and coaching, discipline and grievance procedures, monthly meeting with labour representatives in BU.

3. Project management in BU (improvement on throughput and quality)

4. Project team member with 3rd party, recovery of PGE from tailings materials.

5. Contractor management – recovery of chromite from historical tailings dumps.

July 2005 – December 2007
SELF-EMPLOYED: Opportunity for Property Development with partner. Involved in the building industry; Main responsibilities to draw up Architectural drawings and artist impressions, project management.

Management of contractor builders (incl verify quantity survey) (Verify according to “Building Regulations, SABS standards for use of concrete, etc)

Part-time involvement in Zambian Copper Mining development on small scale (private investors) as Metallurgical consultant during 2006.

1. Project management – small industrial and residential building development (incl cost projections)

2. Architectural drawings (on ArchiCAD) and 3D impressions (on request)

3. Metallurgical consultant (visit to Zambia) – copper and gold recovery from tailings dumps; flow diagrams and sampling


