Education & Qualifications
ü Universidad Tecnológica del Centro (UNITEC), Venezuela. Bachelor’s Degree on Management and Administration with an a specialty on Marketing, finished 2001. TESIS: QUALITY SERVICE IMPROVEMENT METHODOLOGY FOR BANK BRANCHES BASED ON THE STUDY OF THE EXPECTATIONS AND PERCEPTIONS OF THE CLIENT. (Distinction)
ü Universidad Tecnológica del Centro (UNITEC), Venezuela Technician degree on Marketing, graduated 1999.
Creativity, Leadership, Quality Service, Total Quality, Constant Improvement, Processes of Strategic Planning.
Work Experience
February 2007 – Current
Responsible of Procurement at Combined Cycle of 450MW in Stalowa Wola, Poland.
Expediting & Inspection Coordinator, Projects: Jor Lasfar/Marruecos, Chennai/India, Ténès/Argelia, San Juan del sur/Nicaragua, Cunene/Angola and Qingdao/China
Responsible of procurement for an EPC (Engineering, Procurement and Construction) Engineering Company based in Sevilla Spain. ABENGOA has a world-wide presence and is a leader on solar and bio carburant plants and world reference in water, energy and environment sector. I have been working with Water projects like Desalination, Water Treatment Plants & Canalizations as International general coordinator for the expediting and inspection area. Additionally, I have acted as Field Coordinator for the Procurement, Expediting, Quality and Logistics Department in the latest desalination plant built in Qingdao, China and more recently within the Stalowa Wola Combined cycle Power plant in Poland. I have also acted as the liaison between the engineering and production departments, vendors and clients.
Responsibilities include the following:
ü Remove constraints to progress and development of the project.
ü Problem identification and solving action on the engineering, production, planning, financial and logistic department (office and site).
ü Development of expediting and inspection work methodology.
ü Apply Total Quality service philosophy not only to vendors and clients but also within the company.
ü Coordinate the expediting, inspections, logistic and site material receptions.
ü Inspect industrial equipment’s.
ü Respond to client and vendor inquiries as needed.
ü Verified Materials reception and approve related payments.
ü Organize kick off meetings with international clients & vendors
ü Attend inspection meetings at national and international fabricator workshops.
ü Equipment and materials commonly used within this job include but are not limited to high pressure pumps, booster, intermediate, capitation, chemical and dosing pumps, butterfly vales, check, plug, trifunctional, control, needle and ball valves, electrical sub stations, variable frequency drivers, transformers, generators, Instruments and controls, pressure vessels, cartridge filters, reverse osmosis systems and piping (metallic and plastic).
Completed Projects include:
ü Water canalization from sea to Jor Lasfar, Moroco,
ü 100mld Sea Water Desalination Plant at Minjur Chennai, India.
ü Potable Water Plant at San Juan del Sur and Boaco, Nicaragua
ü 100mld Sea Water Desalination Plant at Qingdao, China
ü 200mld Sea Water Desalination Plant at Tenès, Argel.
ü 450 MW Combined Cycle Power Plant at Stalowa Wola, Poland.
January 2006 – February 2007
Técnicas Reunidas S.A.
Procurement Department RABIGH Project – Saudi ARAMCO
Administration of the procurement department, specifically for oil, gas and petrochemical related projects at an Engineering Procurement & Construction company based in Madrid, Spain.
Responsibilities included the following:
ü Control procurement processes and operation.
ü Direct communication and interaction with engineering, cost control, planning, administration and finance, project planning and direction, vendors, and client.
ü Responded to vendors inquiries as needed.
ü Expedite suppliers.
Completed Projects include:
ü Rabigh Development Project, Saudi Arabia
July 2005 – February 2006
DomusMarketing S.L. Sales Manager Madrid (ENDESA), Spain
ü Team Chief of the Commercial Department for an energy producer sales representative. ENDESA
June 2003 – June 2005
Agencasa, S.R.L. Sales Manager, Madrid, Spain
ü Sales Administrator of fan real state office at Madrid.
I@T, Team Chief of the Business Commercial Division Internet & Telecommunications – France
June 2001 – July 2003
Telecom (UNI2-Orange), Madrid – Spain
ü Team Chief of the Commercial Department for Telecommunications sales contractor based in Madrid.
ü Responsible for the creation and development of the commercial team (recruiting, formation and advising).
ü The main customer target of the department I led, normally 10 people under my supervision, was strictly the small and medium size industry.
1999 – 2001
Autocamiones del Puerto S.A., Procurement Responsable, Valencia – Venezuela,
ü Responsible of procurement for a car and truck dealer company based in Valencia- Venezuela.
ü Direct communication with the main car factories of the country.
Other Jobs
ü Charlie Thomas Auto World, Car Salesman , Houston, Tx, USA. 1995
ü Block Buster video, Assist. Manager, Houston, Tx, USA. 1995-1996
ü Katella High Institute, Valencia, Venezuela. English Teacher
ü Banco Unión, 1999. TESIS taken charge of the production (elaboration) and application of a Project of
Constant Improvement of quality service with excellent results.
Skills Profile
ü Leadership
ü Proactivity ü Strong Team Building
ü Environments And Fostering Open Communication
ü Systemic Vision
ü Creativity
ü Empathy
ü Aptitude To take Decisions
ü Dynamism
ü Achievement Motivation
ü Aptitude To generate Synergy and To handle RRHH
ü Opened the Learning and the Experience
ü Good Managing of pressure and uncertain situations.
ü Technology: Internet, Microsoft Office, Corel Draw, Photoshop, Access, AutoCAD among others.
ü Bilingual (Spanish / English) Read, spoken and writing.
ü Strong Communication
ü Effective organizational and time management skills.
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