userskills like '%%' or userskills like '%hr administrator%' or userskills like '%hr generalist%' or userskills like '%hr management%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%%' or userskills like '%hr administrator%' or userskills like '%hr generalist%' or userskills like '%hr management%') and profile_id<43057 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

CV, Experienced HR Manager Looking Globally

Serial No: 43057
Skills keywords: hr administrator, hr generalist, hr management
Current location:  West Bengal, India - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  , Manufacturing and Operations, Oil, Gas and Energy
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere


 A competent professional having 23+ years of quality experience in the field of Personnel Management, Industrial Relations, Administration & HR.

 Presently working with ‘Patel Engineering Ltd.’ (Shongtong-Karchham Hydro Electric Project, 450 MW) in the capacity of AGM (HR&Admin.).

 Hands on experience in formulation and implementation of Personnel policies to meet strategic Organizational objectives.

 Proficient in handling all labour related issues i.e. Grievance handling, settling disputes and disciplinary actions.

 An effective communicator with exceptional interpersonal skills and hands on experience in training and development of subordinates & others.


Personnel Management Function

 Monitoring statutory and Regulatory compliances.

 Managing the payroll functions of Managers, Officers, Staff and Workers.

 Involved in handling Joining formalities, transfers and full & final settlement of employees.

 Contract management in respect of Contract Labour & Security (Watch & ward).

Industrial Relations & Employee Welfare

 Ensuring prompt redressal of employee grievances to maintain cordial management-employee relations.

 Negotiating and amicably settling disputes with the Union and maintaining discipline & harmonious working environment across all employee levels.

 Actively involved in ensuring safety, health, hygiene of employees & work environment.

 Ensuring welfare amenities as laid down in Factories Act & rule.

 Attending conciliation meetings & hearings.

 Constituting Preliminary & Domestic Inquiry.

HR Functions

 Planning human resource requirements in consultation with department heads.

 Supervision of recruitment process, Induction training.

 Coordinating department heads in Performance Appraisal Exercise.

 Identifying training needs of subordinates through mapping of skills and analysing the gaps of the existing level of competencies.

 Facilitating Training and Management Development Programs including Motivational, on the job, technical & soft-skills training programs through internal and external faculties.

Admin. & Facility Management

 Liaison with Government authorities.

 Supervision of Vehicle Pool, Guest House, Mess, Labour Line (accommodation) Management.

 Supervision of Amenities & Utility Management in Company premises.

 Supervision of Security (Watch & Ward) Management.


1. Organization : Patel Engineering Ltd.
Duration of service : 25th May 2015 and still continuing.
Designation : AGM (HR&Admin.)


 Statutory & Regulatory Compliances in respect of Establishments of the Company.

 Ensured compliances related to Welfare, Safety & health required under BOCW Act & Rules.

 IR & Administration like Liaison with local administration & Trade Union.

 Environment Management (Compliances related to State Pollution Control board).

 Vehicle Pool, Guest House, Mess Management.

 Employee welfare, Facility management i.e Accommodations, Amenities & Utility Management.

 Supervision of Security (Watch & Ward).


2. Organization : Reliance Power Ltd.
Duration of service : 8th November 2011 to 24th May 2015

(i) Company : Sasan Power Ltd. (a subsidiary of Reliance Power Ltd.), Singrauli, M.P.
Designation : Dy. General Manager (HR&Admin.)
Duration of Service : 20th August 2014 to 24th May 2015.


 Statutory & Regulatory Compliances in respect of Establishments of the Company.

 Employee welfare, Facility management.

 IR & Administration.

(ii) Company : Tato Hydro Power (P) Ltd. (a subsidiary of Reliance Power Ltd.), West Siang District, Arunachal Pradesh.
Designation : Dy. General Manager (HR&Admin.)
Duration of Service : 8th November 2011 to 19th August 2014


 Statutory & Regulatory Compliances in respect of Establishments of the Company.

 Employee welfare, Facility management.

 [Project is in Post Survey and investigation stage. Forest clearance, Development of Infrastructure, allotment of Land, Settlement of Power transmission issues, Power Sale Agreement and Financial Closure is awaited to commence the construction work]

 Transferred to Sasan Power Ltd. due to non progression of clearance related issues. Project kept on hold till the settlement of clearance & other related issues.

3. Organization : Athena Demwe Power Ltd. (A company having interest into development, generation and distribution of electricity & implementing 3000 MW Mega Hydro electric Power Project on ‘BOOT’ basis in ‘Arunachal Pradesh’).
Designation & Location : Assistant General Manager (HR&Admin.), Reg. Office – NBCC Tower, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi.
Duration of service : 12th April 2010 to 7th Nov. 2011


 Implemented Personnel Policies.

 Adhered Statutory & Regulatory Compliances in respect of Establishments of the Company & other establishments of Group Companies.

 Systematic setup of HR&Admin. dept.

 Employee welfare, Facility management.

 Initiated training & development programmes.

4. Organization : Dharampal Satyapal Ltd. (DS Group), NOIDA , 2500 crore multi diversified Group.
Duration of service : 1st May 2001 to 11th April 2010

(i) Company : Dharampal Satyapal Ltd. (DS Group), Corp. office, Sector-2, NOIDA, UP.
Designation : Sr. Manager (PM&IR),
Duration of Service : 1st June 2007 to 30th September 2008 & 1st April 2009 to 11th April 2010


 Systematic setup of Personnel department of Sales & Marketing.

 Redressed various grievances related to personnel department of Sales force spread across.

 Played a major role in mitigating Wage related grievance of employees of Rubber Division, Agartala.

 Actively Coordinating superior and other senior executives of corporate office and Industrial Establishments in providing guidance related to Industrial Laws and Company personnel policy.

 Coordinating Unit Heads and Unit HRM personnel’s in obtaining sanctions from corporate office related

to financial implications while adhering Statutory and regulatory Compliance.

(ii) Company : Nilanchaal Cement Pvt. Ltd. [A Conglomerate of (DS Group) 2500 crore multi diversified Group]
Designation : Sr. Manager (P&A), Jaintia Hills, Meghalaya.
Duration of service : 1st October 2008 to 31st March 2009 (Temporarily deployed for 6 Months to Streamline Personnel functions & facility management of project).


 Implemented Personnel Policies of Group.

 Adhered Statutory & Regulatory Compliances.

 Employee welfare, Facility management.

 Obtained ‘No objection Certificate’ from Villages for quarrying of Lime stone & other cement grade materials.

 Negotiated the rates of land having lime stone & other Cement grade materials with village community.

 Liaison with Local administration, Govt. department.

 Developed inter personal relations with the Local community.

 Due to slowdown repatriated to parent Unit ‘Dharampal Satyapal Ltd’, Corporate Office, Noida w.e.f- 1st April 2009.

(iii) Company : Dharampal Satyapal Ltd. (An ISO 9001:2000 Certified Unit), Agartala, Tripura.
Designation : Manager (HRM)
Duration of service : 1st May 2001 to 31st May 2007


 Played a major role in the systematic setup of HRM, Personnel & Administration Dept. of Factory.

 Played a major role in the implementation of Dept. related quality management systems required under ISO 9001: 2000 Standards.

 Efficiently met 98.4% manpower requirements in the organisation & reduced absenteeism upto 5%.

 Made efforts in adhering training plan & effective execution upto 96.99%.

 Ensured adherence of Statutory & regulatory compliances up to 100%.

5. Organization : The Calcutta Jute Mfg. Co. Ltd.
Designation & Location : Chief Labour Welfare Officer, Kolkata – 700054, West Bengal
Duration of service : 6th March 1995 to 30th April 2001


 Efficiently implemented computerized payroll system in the organisation.

 Successfully settled court cases out of court & completed pending settlements of employees.

6. Organization : The Eastern Manufacturing Co. Ltd.
Designation & Location : Labour Welfare Officer, Kolkata – 700119, West Bengal
Duration of service : 1st October 1993 to 5th March 1995


 Performed the duties & responsibilities of Labour Welfare Officer as laid down in ‘West Bengal Welfare officer Rules’

 Time office and Salary Administration, Grievance handling.

 Facility Management i.e. Allotment & Maint. of Mazdoor Line quarters, amenities & Utility related to Labour Line.

7. Organization : The Empire Jute Co. Ltd.
Designation & Location : Trainee Labour Welfare Officer, Kolkata – 700119, West Bengal
Duration of service : 1st October 1992 to 30th September 1993


 I.S.O 9001:2000 Standards & System

 Internal Q.M.S auditor (T.Q.M.I), I.R.C.A Certified Training Course.

 ISO 14000 Environmental Management Systems (QCI & ETDC), Govt. of India.

 S.Q.C & S.P.C (T.Q.M.I).

 Contract Labour.

 ‘5s’


 Post Graduate Diploma in ‘Industrial Relations & Personnel Management’ (Govt. Recognized) from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan in 1994.

 B.A from Calcutta University in 1992.





