userskills like '%sales and marketing%' or userskills like '%management%' or userskills like '%sales executive%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%sales and marketing%' or userskills like '%management%' or userskills like '%sales executive%') and profile_id<48475 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

CV, Experienced Country Manager Looking Worldwide

Serial No: 48475
Skills keywords: management, sales and marketing, sales executive
Current location:  Turkey - View on map
Nationality: Turkish
Preferred Sector of Employment:  General Management, Marketing
Spoken languages: english, german (fair)
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere


01 2013-Aprıl 1 2014

My responsıbılıtıes were

 Delıver operatıonal leadershıp and assume full P&L responsıbılıty for all contracts ensurıng the company sustaıns market share ın Turkmenıstan.

 Dırect day to day operatıonal management of the busıness,applyıng hands-on approach to producıng solutıons to strtategıc,technıcal,commercıal and opertıonal related challenges whıch ımpact on Customer servıce and performance.

 On award of contracts ,lead the delıvery teams ın achıevıng theır goals and ensure that all contract requırements are met on tıme.

 Develop an annual sales plan for exıstıng and future busıness and ensure excellent clıent relatıonshıps are maıntaıned.

 Lead the constant drıve and focus to ımprove operatıonal effıcıency.

 Ensure complıance wıth local and ınternatıonal legıslatıve requırements for the work beıng performed.

 Provıde ongoıng support to busıness and bıd preparatıon ,workıng closely wıth the related groups ın pursuıt of the new contracts or extendıng the exıstıng contract work scopes.

June 15 2011-Aprıl 1 2012

My responsibilities were

 Sales & Relation Management

 Resource Planning

 Customer Solution Management

 Customer Project Management

 Profit & Loss Responsibility

 Commercial Responsibility of all offered tenders

March 1 2009 – June 30 2011

Main Role:Facilitating efficient Sales and profitable business within the country through maintaining strong and positive relations with local customers and authorities and through providing competent resources and efficient facilities for business within the country.

Key Responsibilities:Executive relationship with important bodies within the country ,Ensure “good citizenship“ including adherence to local laws and regulations, Continuous monitoring on new business opportunities and ensuring profitability, Ensure a one-company approach within the country & MU , Co-ordinate and optimize Ericsson activities within the country , Line management of local KAM and competence development of direct reports .

Authority: To sign all documents on behalf of the Company as per authority guidelines (including customer & supplier contracts and requests for local employee’s overseas travel)

To authorise expenditure limits for all functional heads and approve all capital expenditure as per budgets

To structure and manage the local Company Organisation and processes by appropriate delegation of responsibility and authority

To issue local policies, directives and guidelines for the smooth and efficient functioning of the Company in line with MU and corporate directives

To recruit permanent local employees against pre approved positions and competence development for direct reports

Main Tasks:

• To be the part of Steering group and making decisions regarding IRN’s Management, its operations, overall efficiency and the business results.

• Managing the Company within the framework of Ericsson Corporate and MUPolicies, Directives and decisions as taken by the Company’s Board of Directors, MU President and Steering Group.

• Responsible for defining, deploying and periodically reviewing the Strategic Plan and Balanced Scorecard within IRN

• Responsible for the deciding and reviewing Company’s management structure, delegation of responsibility, its operations and goals & objectives in co-ordination with MU president

• To provide adequate and competent resources for meeting goals and objectives

• Responsible for the competence development of direct reports and encouraging competence development at the organisational level

• Representing Ericsson in market contacts to customers and society within the geographical and market segment

• Maintaining executive relationship with Press, Media, JV partners, Government, Secretarial & Regulatory bodies and the key suppliers within the country

• Ensuring total solutions, products and services to the customers as per their needs, expectations and requirements

• Promoting and supporting an Operational System as per the requirements of Market Unit’s Operational Quality Manual and ISO 9001/ 14001 for achieving continuous improvements and ensuring Operational system effectiveness at all levels within local company

• Preparing and submitting IRN’s budget, headcount plan, external financing, compensation plans, capital expenditures, investments-in or disinvestment of business activities, obtaining further approvals on Corporate & MU Policies and Directives

• To monitor Customer Satisfaction measurements and drive improvements on local and MU level based on the same

• To act as an authorised signatory for maintaining the accounts in the financial institutions

• To head the Management Group meetings to discuss the business environment in Sri Lanka and the prospects of the Company with KAM’s and other function-heads within IRN.

2004 – 2009

Avea ıs the mobıle part of Turk Telecom who ıs owned by Oger Group.Avea ıs the thırd mobıle operator ın the country wıth 11.000.000 subscrıbers and havıng the hıghest MoU ın the market.The net sales to AVEA was 120.000.000 USD ın 2007 and the target thıs year ıs 160.000.000 USD together wıth Turk Telecom.

My responsibilities towards these Accounts are as followes:

 Sales & Relation Management

 Resource Planning

 Customer Solution Management

 Customer Project Management

 Profit & Loss Responsibility

 Commercial Responsibility of all offered tenders





2009 KAM II Executıve Program London Busıness School

2005 KAM Executıve Program London Busıness School

2005 Shape the PD Talk Istanbul

2004 Customer Fınance Sweden

2002 LCC Leadıng Change Sweden

2000 Global Telecommunication Management Thunderbird University/Arizona

2000 Inside the IP Tournedo Palo Alto/USA

2000 WCDMA/UMTS Business Essentials Stockholm

1999 Ericsson Management Planning Stockholm/

San Fransisco/United Kingdom

1998 Leadership Dubai

1998 WCS Sweden

1997 Ericsson Management Development Programme United Kingdom

1997 Team Buılldıng Istanbul

1997 Supply Chaın Dubai

1996 ISO 9000 Qualıty Management Systems Istanbul

1996 Props for Lıne Managers Sweden

1989 Management Trainee in Interbank/Istanbul for 6 months

1993 Managerial Grid Istanbul




