userskills like '%environmental management%' or userskills like '%environmental sustainability%' or userskills like '%environmental management practitioner%' or userskills like '%environmental management practitioner%' or userskills like '%environmental%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%environmental management%' or userskills like '%environmental sustainability%' or userskills like '%environmental management practitioner%' or userskills like '%environmental management practitioner%' or userskills like '%environmental%') and profile_id<41950 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

CV, Environmental Engineer Seeking Work Globally

Serial No: 41950
Skills keywords: environmental, environmental management, environmental management practitioner, environmental sustainability
Current location:  Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Oil, Gas and Energy, Manufacturing and Operations, Banking Insurance and Financial Services
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere

Educational/Professional Qualification

Bachelor of Engineering (BE)
NIT Surat (Govt of India Institute), with Distinction & IVTH Rank
South Gujarat University
1987 (Nov.).

Master of Engineering (ME) in Environmental Engineering
Delhi College of Engineering (Delhi University) & completed with Distinction



(a) Merit scholarship by Govt. of India (1985 – 1987), bestowed on rank holders in South Gujarat University, India

(b) Gold medal: IGS-82 Conference Memorial Medal (1987), awarded by South Gujarat University for highest score in electives.

(c) Exemplary service award (1997): by Indian Petrochemical Corporation Ltd -IPCL (A Govt of India Undertaking) for extra ordinary efforts towards resource conservation, environmental protection and risk reduction.

(d) Exemplary service award (2000): by IPCL for reduction in insurance premium based on risk assessment.

(e) Excellence Award (2000): in recognition to excellent work done in saving water resource.

(f) Excellent Trainer Award (2002 &2006) by Reliance Industries Ltd (IPCL)..

(g) Certificate of Appreciation (2011): by PetroRabigh, Saudi Arabia for commitment and valuable contribution for resource conservation.

(h) Certificate of Appreciation (2012): by GASCO (ADNOC) for innovative thinking and contribution to Sustainable development.


Professional Training

(a) Qualified the EARA approved Lead Auditor Course of ISO-14001 (International Environmental Management System) with 84.5% marks (Best in the group).

(b) Attended Environmental Management Course conducted by Administrative Staff College of India on Environmental Management.

(c) Attended a comprehensive programme on Chemical Emergency Preparedness, organised by NSC & EPA.

(d) Attended an “International Workshop cum Symposium on Life Cycle Assessment and Green Productivity” organised By Asian Productivity Organisation at Singapore.

(e) ADNOC-JCCP energy efficiency workshop in 2012.


Paper/Articles Presented

(a) Published an article featuring “Earthworm” as tool for degradation of Garbage, entitled “Worms Recruited at Petrochemical Township” in Worm Digest an International Jr. published from U.S.A.

(b) Article on “Waste Recycling” published in Jr. of Water Environment

Federation, U.S.A. on manural value of Biological Sludge; based on chemical, nursery scale & actual experiments.

(c) Published an article, entitled “IPCL gains competitiveness and employees commitment by implementing ISO – 14001 based EMS system” in International Jr. of Environmental Management”, published in French, English & Spanish from Head Quarters of International Organisation of Standardisation at Geneva.

(d) Presented and published paper entitled “Eco – friendly vapour absorption refrigeration – Technology in waiting (Solution for using low grade waste heat for refrigeration / cooling at UAE oil and gas Sector) “in ADIPEC 2013 technical conference at Abu Dhabi.


Membership of Professional bodies

(a) Chartered Engineer (Institution of Engineers – India)

(b) Life member of “Indian Association of Environment Management (IAEM)

(c) Life member of Indian Water Works Association (IWWA)

(d) Life member of Administrative Staff College of India (ASCI)


Present Employment

• Joined Reliance Industries Ltd (First Gas cracker of India and mega petrochemical complex) , Nagothane, India (Earlier named as IPCL) as Management Trainee in 1990 in Environment and Ecology Dep’t and was promoted to Sr. Manager in March 2001 followed by elevation to General Manager i.e. Head of Environmental wing with Reporting to Head of HSEF from 2003 to December 2007.

• Worked as Specialist – Environment in Petro Rabigh (JV of Saudi Aramco and Sumitomo chemicals – Japan), Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, World’s largest refinery cum petrochemical complex. Joined in Dec 2007 and worked up to March 2012.

• Headed Environment Section at GASCO (An ADNOC Group Company) as Sr. Environmental Engineer from March 2012 to Dec 2001. Responsible for Environmental governance and Sustainable development at Corporate.

• Working at PETRONAS as Head – Sustainable Development for Upstream Operations since Dec 2013. Focussing and delivering on beyond compliance initiatives for offshore oil and gas operations including LNG.

Job Responsibilities and assignments handled:

Responsible for:

Developing Strategy and governance model for Sustainable Development (Beyond Environmental compliance) focussing on Climate change, Resource conservation and waste minimisation.

Sustenance and operation of Integrated Management system (Conglomeration of EMS: ISO – 14001, ISO -9001 & OSHAS-18001.

Proactively identifying developing and synergising resource conservation initiatives aiming towards sustainable development.

Conceptualising & identifying techniques/technologies for converting waste to resource.

Risk management and emergency management protocol and strategy development including dispersion modelling studies.

Corporate Sustainability Reporting (CSR as per GRI guidelines) as global reporting the triple bottom line.

Developing/replicating best management practices and international practices prevalent and applicable.

Challenging upcoming environmental legislation and international protocols on applicability and interaction with statutory bodies for seeking clearance/approval.

Opportunity Framing and Developing design basis for new projects / up gradations etc. in line with National, International and company standards with legal requirements, including EIA.

Trouble shooting the environmental concerns.

Conceptualising, identifying, organising and implementing corporate social responsibility by undertaking Socio economic upliftment project and programmes.

Formalising short and long term Sustainability and environmental plan and monitoring performance metrics.

Faculty for various Sustainability and Environmental Programmes & Awareness Session.

Showcasing and sharing case studies and superior Sustainability initiatives

Some major projects handled are as under.

(a) Conceptualised Flaring and Venting framework and developed GHG reduction roadmap based on opportunity Loss assessment and carbon risk aiming towards ZERO continuous Flaring and Venting.( targeting opportunity Loss of approx. RM 1.5 billion/year).

(b) Developed strategy for PETRONAS Produced water commitment taking Best Available technology and Contemporary practices with focus on Sustainable development.

(c) Strategy development for Sustainable Development focussed on climate change, Resource conservation (H/C and water), Energy conservation and waste minimisation with short and long term goals and targets.

(d) Formulated plans and protocols on Produced water and Carbon footprint assessment aiming to establish world class systems and procedures.

(e) Concept to completion for International Environmental Management System of ISO-14001, OHSAS 18001 including Integrated Management System (IMS).

(f) Ensured 100 % legal compliance and successfully contested two litigation in appellate board against the legal authorities saving more than Rs.6.0 million with recurring savings.

(g) Implemented sustainable development using ZERO LANDFILL, DRY storm water and ZERO FLARE approach. Proactively identified and studied various resource conservation, (Hydrocarbon emission reduction, water conservation etc.) & recycling alternatives (i.e. wastewater recycling, sludge as manure, grass to coal briquettes, waste as raw material etc).

(h) Conceived, planned and implemented “Zero Garbage “concept in PETROCHEMICAL Township. It was First Township in India where garbage is not a waste but a resource with no dumping site and self-sustaining.

(i) Initiated, developed and implemented the concept of Substantiality card (Basic

+Centurion cards) for assessing monthly HSE performance of various units and inculcating a sense of competition in various units towards Environmental performance and improvement.

(j) Initiated and introduced CDM / carbon Credits concept for the first time to the top management resulting in formation of CDM cell for Reliance Industries.

(k) Planned Corporate Social Responsibility activities for socio-economic upliftment for neighbouring villages (Neighbouring Nagothane in India). The designing, co-ordinating & supervising of 3 pronged schemes/programmes for benefit of villagers & tribal’s was done which includes:-

• Training: Vocational & entrepreneur Training

• Developmental: – Self help Groups, Water resource management, improved chulhas, grass briquettes etc.

• Input supply :- Kisan Mela etc.

(l) Planned & developed multispecies Green-belt (Arboricultural Development) around the whole complex with a Fruit Orchard as a testimony to counter air pollution complaints with achieving the richest diversity of bird species.

(m) Chaired Pre Start-up Safety Reviews (PSSR) for process plants as a prerequisite to start up.

(n) Development and initiation of 3R approach as key to corporate sustainability. Accordingly identified and developed preliminary schemes on 26 Resource conservation / recycling/ waste minimisation initiatives with a revenue generation potential of approx SAR 122 million /annum

(o) Sustainability initiatives of use of waste as resource and water recycle in refinery and petrochemical operation reduced Environmental Impact with annual revenue generation of approx SAR 32 million /annum.

(p) Reduced insurance premium using risk rating mechanism of DOW’s Index and estimation of maximum probable loss scenario in National (IRDA/TAC) & International market. Successfully contested the case of reduction in insurance premium based on technical features saving approx Rs10.6 million per annum.

(q) Conceptualised and developed strategy and roadmap for reducing energy consumption utilising low grade waste heat by adopting Vapour absorption refrigeration technology (Chemical compressor based refrigeration) for saving cost, reducing carbon footprint.(Saving estimated as US$ 25 million/year)

(r) Developed strategy document on waste minimisation with roadmap to achieve 80% recycling in next 2 years.(Aiming towards ZERO landfill approach)

(s) Developed a blueprint and detailed plan of achieving ZERO discharge for four out of five facilities of GASCO with potential saving of AED 5-6 million/year.


Computer Knowledge

Working knowledge of softwares including dispersion modelling software such as CAMEO/ALOHA, TANK 4 etc





