MBA in Operation Managment from Jaipur Natioanl university\r\nBA Pass from Delhi University
Reading ,Travelling and Online Gaming
1) Presentely working in International as country manager handling day to day operations including P&L Responcbilties. Directely 30 Sales and Support team reporting to me.\r\n2) Huawei Tech Investements Oman . Worked from July 2013 to Jan 2019 as Channel sales Manger handling Direcrly Distribution Partners sellin sell trough and sellout and directely respncible for Oman Revenue target and reporting to Oman Country Manager .\r\n3) Worked as sales Manger Oman for Mustafa Sultan ( Fono) Mobile distribution of Samsung and Sony Erickson Mobiles in Oman from Jan 2007 to July 2013.
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