userskills like '%instructor%' or userskills like '%marketing%' or userskills like '%attention to detail%' or userskills like '%good leadership skills%' or userskills like '%administration skills%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%instructor%' or userskills like '%marketing%' or userskills like '%attention to detail%' or userskills like '%good leadership skills%' or userskills like '%administration skills%') and profile_id<122111 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Consultant/Skills Tutor

I am a very versatile, professional and adaptable person from a military background who is smart in appearance and carries out tasks in a professional and integral manner, Also an experienced manager, team leader and team member who is confident at working under my own initiative, looking for a fresh challenge working overseas from the United Kingdom
Serial No: 122111
Skills keywords: administration skills, attention to detail, good leadership skills, instructor, marketing
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

- HABC Level 3 Award in Education and \r\n Training\r\n- HABC Level 3 Compliance Training \r\n Instructor\r\n- HABC Level 3 Award in Health and Safety in \r\n the Workplace.\r\n- BTEC Level 3 in Protective Security\r\n- HABC Level 2 Award in Conflict \r\n Management\r\n- Level 2 Numeracy (Army Education Centre)\r\n- Level 2 Literacy ( Army Education Center)\r\n- 8 GCSE\'s\r\n- Action Counters Terrorism (ACT) Awareness\r\n- Advance IT Skills (Incl. excel and \r\n powerpoint)\r\n- Advanced Level 2 in Safeguarding Children\r\n- Advanced Level 2 in Safeguarding Adults\r\n- PREVENT Awareness\r\n- RTITB Forklift Operator Instructor\r\n- HABC Level 2 Award in Safe Moving and \r\n Handling\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

- Rugby\r\n- Fitness\r\n- Current Affairs\r\n- History\r\n- DIY/Joinery

Previous Employment Details:

- PeoplePlus - Employability/Skills Tutor - April 2021 to Present: Teaching accredited courses \r\n helping the unemployed back into work, with customer service being one of the qualifications.\r\n\r\n- Pilot IMS Ltd - Contract Lead/Tutor - Jan 2020 to April 2021: Managing, teaching and \r\n administrating an employabilty programme helping the unemployed back into work.\r\n\r\n- Self-Employed (Freelance) Consultant/Tutor: June 2018 to Jan 2020: Marketing, procuring, \r\n administrating and teaching legislative compliance training courses for various company\'s and \r\n organisations across varied sectors of industry as well as corporate clients.\r\n\r\n- Prior to the training sector I had a lengthy career in the British Armed Forces and a Close \r\n Protection background (This is all reflected in my attached CV).\r\n

Current location:  United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: British/English
Preferred Sector of Employment:  education and training, Sales, Marketing
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
