userskills like '%heavy equipment operator%' or userskills like '%heavy plant driver%' or userskills like '%Painter/decorator%' or userskills like '%rail operations%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%heavy equipment operator%' or userskills like '%heavy plant driver%' or userskills like '%Painter/decorator%' or userskills like '%rail operations%') and profile_id<111480 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Constrution Worker Seeking work anywhere Abroad

I think that i can offer a good service to any customer and base this on the
fact that i am reliable,on time and try to finish a job in time.
Also that i find that communication and passing on of any Information makes me easy to work with as i get satisfaction of doing a job to the highest standard and there for keeping the Customer happy and relations the way they should be.
Serial No: 111480
Skills keywords: heavy equipment operator, heavy plant driver, Painter/decorator, rail operations
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Trained in Operating Rail Road Plant Machine Driving\r\nCPCS with NVQ in Heavy Plant Driving\r\nTested with the German Handwerkskammer as Painter/Decorator\r\nTrained Combat Engineer with British Army\r\nNVQ in Truck driving and Maintenance

Interests & Hobbies:

Jogging, Gym, Music, Photography.

Previous Employment Details:

Worked for Animal feed Company as Lorry Driver and Maintence.\r\n\r\nWas Employed at Aspin Foundations as part of aPiling crew for renewable \r\nEnergy Projects\r\nWas Employed by Quattro as Heavy Plant Driver for Railway Infrastruture\r\nProjects.\r\nCurrently Employed at TMS Ltd as Machine Operator for all typs of Maritime Projects.\r\nProjects

Current location:  United Kingdom - View on map
Nationality: British
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Construction, Oil, Gas and Energy, Engineering
Spoken languages: german
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
