Msc International Business management - University of Surrey\r\nBsc (Hons) Civil Engineering - Oxford Brokkes University
R&W Civil Engineering| | A303 Andover, UK\r\n Sub-Agent – A303 3 Bridge Decks Waterproofing Schemes involve the following works: Deck re-waterproofing, longitudinal & transverse joint replacements, full depth deck inlays on both WB& EB carriageways, reconstruction of central reserve, verge and VRS to meet current standards and regulations. \r\n\r\n2016-2017 Fryessinet UK Limited || Gatwick Airport, UK\r\nMar-Apr Assistant Project Manager / Site Engineer– “MSCP6”: Structural repair and anchoring of a Multi-storey Pre-cast Concrete Car Park – Value: 12.0 million \r\n
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