Education---\r\n1 Cnc machine oprater setter cum programs \r\n2 Vmc milling machine oprater setter cum programs\r\n3 Bachelor of commerce graduate from vnsgu university\r\nSkills------\r\nsetting up, proving-out and operating VMC/CNCmachne \r\n\r\nSound experience in operating production machine\r\n\r\nExcellent in develop operating instructions and procedure\r\n\r\nRemarkable ability to read blueprints and drawings; and the use inspection and measuring instrumentsinstruments
Helping to people every where\r\nVisit churches and temple \r\nAnd play wrestling \r\nAnd long drive
Gormet SRL,Cluj napoca, Romania as\r\nCnc vmc machine oprater setter and programer 2020 to till coun... \r\nPromex s a, braila Romania, as a\r\nCnc vmc machine oprater setter cum programer 2019 to2020\r\nJinal engineering , Gujrat, India, \r\nCNC vmc machine oprater setter cum programer 2015 to 2019\r\n
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