userskills like '%cnc programmer%' or userskills like '%CNC setter%' or userskills like '%cnc operator%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%cnc programmer%' or userskills like '%CNC setter%' or userskills like '%cnc operator%') and profile_id<106098 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

CNC operator

hello i am Inderjeet singh i have more 7 years experience in cnc machine operating and programming . i start my career in 2012 in Indo German tool room in India. there i learn cnc machining and productivity. i work on different sector like aeronautical , heavy forging ,oilfield ,fabrication and automobile sectors .i handling smallest machine to biggest machine . i abvle to work individual programming on the heidenhain ,siemens and fanuc controller , job setup, tooling .make a inspection report .
Serial No: 106098
Skills keywords: cnc operator, cnc programmer, CNC setter
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

2 years trade certificate.\r\n1 year course in advance machining operation ( CNC ) 6 month training on practical and theoretical, 6 month production training on the job for Hindustan aeronautical limited.

Previous Employment Details:

1= Gormet professional welding Romania 1/8/2019 to till date as a cnc setter and programmer.\r\n2= oryx engineering solution Qatar 1706/2017 to 14/7/2018 as a cnc operator and setter.\r\n3= Euro bearings india pvt ltd India 10/11/2015 to 20/06/2017 as a engineer machine operation.

Current location:  Municipiul București, Romania - View on map
Nationality: indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Manufacturing and Operations, Engineering, other
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
