bachelor in nutrition and dietetics\r\n\r\nCambridge English language certification\r\n\r\nECDL
gym, boxing, guitar, music
Dietetic Department, Nutrition Consultant at Musclemania Gym, Corfu, Greece\r\n2018 — 2020\r\nProviding nutritional counseling, body fat measurements (BIA), nutritional needs assessment, weekly Diet Plan follow up for weight loss or muscle gain, monitoring clients food intake, setting goals, explaining the dietary plan and what they are expected to gain from it, ensuring all data and clients progress are kept in gyms app so that clients and trainers can check.\r\nDietitian-Personal trainer and Group Boxing instructor at Agni bay villa –Olive press complex, Corfu, Greece\r\n2017 — 2019\r\nResponsible for the nutrition and training VIP clients during their holidays in Corfu – several of them were famous actors preparing their physic for Hollywood movies.\r\nSelf - employed Freelancer Dietitian with registered Private office at Corfu, Greece\r\n2016 — 2019\r\nWorking as a Registered Dietitian at own practice providing service for Weight loss, Athletic Nutrition, Psychological Nutritional Behavior Therapy, Clinical Nutrition, Diabetes, etc.\r\nCreative assistant, Promoter at Diet Plan professional Dietetic Office Software, Thessaloniki, Greece, Link\r\n2016 — 2018\r\nHelping as a Dietitian in the form creation of the dietetic software, responsible for the food equivalents table of the software, create an equation to transform the 100gr food tables database to food equivalents, the final daily food tables form, and the diet plan printing styles\r\nClinical Dietitian-Nutritionist in Diabetic unit at Corfu General Public Hospital, Corfu, Greece\r\n2015 — 2016\r\nProducing nutrition plans for managing Diabetes type 1 or 2, teaching Diabetic patients the diabetes carbohydrate food equivalent measuring method, \r\nAssessing the Insulin injections dosage comparing with the meals discussing with the doctors,\r\nproduce information packs including leaflets, diet sheets, posters, hospital newsletters and PowerPoint presentations to be utilized for educational purposes\r\nOn duty for Gastro-internal Clinic of the hospital Emergency cases entrance.\r\nClinical Dietitian at the American Hospital of Paris, Paris, France\r\n2014 — 2015\r\nProducing Diet Plans for hyperlipidemia, cancer, and other chronic and life-threatening diseases, working in English.\r\nRenal Unit – Clinical Nutritionist at 401 General Greek Army Hospital, Athens, Greece\r\n2013 — 2014\r\nTeaching patients the renal failure food equivalent measuring method for protein, Ka+, and Na+ daily intake and producing diet plans according to each patient’s disease level.\r\nSales assistant at Xtreme Stores, Sitia, Crete, Greece\r\n\r\n\r\n
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