userskills like '%home care nursing%' or userskills like '%clinical specialist%' or userskills like '%hotel industry%' or userskills like '%fisheries industry%' or userskills like '%dairy farming%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%home care nursing%' or userskills like '%clinical specialist%' or userskills like '%hotel industry%' or userskills like '%fisheries industry%' or userskills like '%dairy farming%') and profile_id<148974 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Clinical and Nursing Specialist

I am a self motivated Ambitious Personality willing to take new challenges and Self educating Person have wide experience in Different Industries and Nursing also
Serial No: 148974
Skills keywords: clinical specialist, dairy farming, fisheries industry, home care nursing, hotel industry
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

-Veterinarian so have very good Skills to deal with Animals in Farm or Fish Industries \r\n-Business Analysis\r\n-Working in Team\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

Swimming,Reading,Watching English Movies,Foot ball,Browsing Internet

Previous Employment Details:

Market Access and Tender Associate at Boston Scientific (Jan 2022-Present)\r\n-Ensure Market Access Excellence \r\n-prepare Tender , Costing Policies , Produce a work Plan \r\n-Presenting The Strategic Product of Company to Customers inside Operation Theatre\r\nClinical Specialist at Depuy Synthes Johnson&Johnson Medical (Jan 2018-August 2021)\r\n-Providing Nursing Skills and First Class Customer Service to Surgeons inside OR\r\n-Provide Expert Level Support to J&J Customers\r\n-Distribution and Inventory Management\r\nKey Account Associate and Patient Educator at Gilead Science (March 2015 - December 2017)\r\n-Delivers Disease Education Programs and Product information to Patients\r\n-Launched Gilead Strategic Pharmaceutical Products

Current location:  Egypt - View on map
Nationality: Egyptian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing, other, Hotel and Catering
Spoken languages: Arabic, english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
