1. Btech Civil Engineering\r\n-Strategic Planning\r\n-Quality Assurance\r\n-Good supervision abilities\r\n-Effective oral and written communication\r\n\r\n2. HND Civil Engineering\r\n-Effective oral and written communications\r\n-Basic computer skills\r\n-Good record keeping ability\r\n\r\n
1. Reading \r\n2. Photography\r\n3. Research\r\n4. Listening to music\r\n5. Playing games\r\n6. Travelling\r\n7. Arts\r\n8. Dance\r\n9. Learning Languages\r\n10. Community Involvement\r\n7. Exploration
1. January, 2023\r\nBethel Architectural and Engineering Company (Junior Engineer)- Cape Coast\r\n\r\n2. August 2020 - Febraury 2021\r\nGhana Highway Authority (National Service)\r\n\r\n3. May 2019 - July 2019\r\nSt Annes Development Limited (Intern)\r\n\r\n
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