userskills like '%vehicle specialist%' or userskills like '%vehicle remarketing%' or userskills like '%vehicle%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%vehicle specialist%' or userskills like '%vehicle remarketing%' or userskills like '%vehicle%') and profile_id<171868 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Chairman of M&Bryan

I am the chairman of M&Bryan company ltd with a creative attitude of problem solving as well as co operator engineer in sky innovation based in south Korea in managed to improve the production operations from 50% to 75% in that company as well as M&bryan too
Serial No: 171868
Skills keywords: vehicle, vehicle remarketing, vehicle specialist
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

I also have a skills in driving because i hold i driving licence of south korea and Rwanda and hold also a certificate in problem solving and i have worked also in car industry company called daewo in south korea as Car body manufacturer

Interests & Hobbies:

Interests i like to work for more achievements and for better life style\r\nHobbies i like sports especially swimming and basketball \r\nAnd i like musics too

Previous Employment Details:

-Car driver in telecom company in Rwanda called MTN 2020\r\n-chair man in M&bryan company Rwanda cars export company from South Korea to Rwanda\r\n-co-operator in sky innovation company in South Korea and I currently work over here

Current location:  South Korea - View on map
Nationality: Rwandan
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Retail Wholesale and Purchasing, Transport and Logistics, Engineering
Spoken languages: english, french, Kinyarwanda, Swahili
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
