userskills like '%driver%' or userskills like '%office management/administration%' or userskills like '%compassionate%' or userskills like '%fully computer literate%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%driver%' or userskills like '%office management/administration%' or userskills like '%compassionate%' or userskills like '%fully computer literate%') and profile_id<152699 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Caregiver empathetic and energetic seeks work UK

I am a highly compassionate, empathetic and energetic care giver, who is highly passionate about caregiving and seeing the positive effect I have on my clients/patients. I seek a very challenging position where my skills and experience gained over the years can be best utilized. I am perfect for this job because I am particularly skilled in caring for children and adults, especially vulnerable adults, people suffering from dementia, Parkinson disease, mental or physical disabilities.

I have showed great commitment in assisting others irrespective of my duty. I successfully developed relationship with those I care for, maintaining high level of professionalism in accomplishing my tasks. I am also in good emotional and mental state and highly capable to take adequate care of patients under my care.

I gained these experiences during my volunteering years in a convalescence Home Care and a hospital as well as within my family while taking care of my mother with acute arthritis on both legs and hands, as well as my mother-in-law currently with dementia. In all my experiences, I have leveraged on my passion and commitment to paediatric and geriatric patients\' well-being to improve total quality of life.

I am really serious about pursuing this passion, which is why I have undertaken a range of workplace training courses in health, safety and care management.
Serial No: 152699
Skills keywords: compassionate, driver, fully computer literate, office management/administration
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Msc- Mass Communication\r\nMPIA - Masters in Public and International Affairs\r\nBsc - Mass Communication\r\nLevel 5 Advanced Diploma in Health and Social Care\r\nLevel 3 Diploma in Health and Social Care\r\nCare Certificate (Standard 1 to 15)

Interests & Hobbies:

Caring for people\r\nHumanitarianism\r\nCooking\r\nBaking\r\nAdministration\r\nGames

Previous Employment Details:

Admin Officer - Aero Contractors Company of Nigeria Limited (from March 2010 to date)\r\nOffering administrative duties such as writing correspondences, following up of documents submitted for approvals, filing, memos, outgoing correspondences, receiving external documents, using office equipment, answering phone calls, responding to clients etc.\r\n\r\nHealthcare Assistant at Ikeja Medical Centre (voluntary position) - from February 2021 to December 2022\r\nAssisting nurses in the wards, assisting patients with personal care such as making beds, grooming, toileting, dressing, bathing, feeding, medication etc, depending on the care plan. I also have experience in health records and medical clerical duties.\r\n\r\nCaregiver at Gracious Yem Convalescence Home Care (voluntary position) - from January 2020 to December 2020\r\nI assisted in personal care of patients under the supervision of the nurses on duty. I performed grooming, ambulation, feeding, toileting, dressing, offering companionship, movement of patients etc.

Current location:  Texas, United States - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing, Admin and Clerical, customer service
Spoken languages: english, french
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
