Bachelor in accounting(ENAM: national economy institute of Benin Republic)\r\nDiploma in chattered accountant (French system)\r\nACCA level 1: papers F1 F2 F3\r\nACCA level 2: papers F4 F6\r\nDCU2 of Grenoble(France)
Traveling\r\nSports\r\nHangout \r\nReading news papers\r\nWatching movies\r\nListening to music\r\nCooking\r\nDancing\r\nGo to the Gym\r\nPlaying Games\r\nWatching Cartoons\r\nLearning of new things
Head of finance\r\nAdmin and financial assistant manager\r\nInternal auditor\r\nAccount manager\r\nFilling of taxes \r\nJournal entries \r\nPreparing of the payroll \r\nStock keeping \r\nInventories\r\nDaily financial reports\r\nSales
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