userskills like '%care assistant%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%care assistant%') and profile_id<155595 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Application for the position of Care Assistant in UK

I am a very dedicated, dependable, hardworking and trustworthy individual, who believes that it is my responsibility to put a smile on each person that I work with, and I plan to continue that attitude with the staff and clients/ patients in your organisation. I possess good communication skills, both oral and written, and can effectively communicate with my clients, family members and healthcare professionals. My caring nature, friendly persona, professional training and experience, ensure that I can provide clients with the best care.
I cooperate very well in a team, and can work very well independently, and am ready to use my skills and experience in making sure that the organisational goal of providing best quality care to clients is highly achieved.
Serial No: 155595
Skills keywords: care assistant
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Certificate in Elderly Care\r\nCertificate in First Aid and CPR\r\n\r\nRelated Skills\r\n- Personal care giving skills\r\n- Care plan management\r\n- Patient assessment\r\n- Strong observational skills\r\n- Safety and house proofing\r\n- Laundry and housekeeping\r\n\r\n

Interests & Hobbies:

- Reading books and magazines\r\n- Listening and watching news\r\n- Story telling\r\n- Gardening\r\n- Learning new recipes\r\n- Exercising\r\n- Relaxing outdoors\r\n- Sharing and learning new things

Previous Employment Details:

1. Caregiver/ Support worker - BUCTA ( March 2022- December 2022)\r\n- Administering medication as prescribed by the doctor\r\n- Bathing and clothing patients\r\n- Meal preparation\r\n- Laundry and housekeeping\r\n\r\n2. Care Assistant- Mbuma Mission Hospital ( January 2021- December 2021)\r\n- Managing and implementing care plans\r\n- Keeping patients records and information up to date\r\n- Making and changing beds\r\n- Assessing level of care clients needed \r\n\r\n3. Matron/ Administration Assistant- Save the Children Zimbabwe ( Jamuary 2009- June 2020)\r\n- Receiving and providing care to deported unaccompanied minors from Botswana\r\n- Assessing level of vulnerability and referring minors for counselling\r\n- Providing emotional support and companionship\r\n- Laundry and housekeeping

Current location:  North West, South Africa - View on map
Nationality: Zimbabwean
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Medical and Nursing
Spoken languages: english, Ndebele, Shona
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
