userskills like '%analysis / analytical%' or userskills like '%data visualisation consultant%' or userskills like '%problem solving skills%' or userskills like '%global experience%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%analysis / analytical%' or userskills like '%data visualisation consultant%' or userskills like '%problem solving skills%' or userskills like '%global experience%') and profile_id<107376 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Analyst seeks work in Pharma/Healthcare sector

Experienced analyst and reporting specialist with a demonstrated history of working in the pharmaceutical/healthcare industry and with a Master\'s Degree focused in Health Policy, Planning and Financing from the University of Debrecen. Good in organizational, communication and analytical skills in Finance/Controlling and Performance. My main strengths are enthusiasm, adaptivity, quick learning, dynamism and team spirit.
Serial No: 107376
Skills keywords: analysis / analytical, data visualisation consultant, global experience, problem solving skills
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

- SQL Server\r\n- Python\r\n- Power BI\r\n- SAP Crystal Reports\r\n- Microsoft Office\r\n- SAP HANA\r\n- iScala\r\n- ServiceNow\r\n- Neocase

Previous Employment Details:

National Health Insurance Fund - Department of Special Finance: It was a bureau with a yearly budget of 250\'000\'000 Euro aiming to refresh the financing of the most expensive pharmaceutical products and medical equipment. \r\n\r\nAffidea - I worked in the Headquarters, from where we control 18 countries. The company focused on Diagnostics, cancer treatment and laboratory activities.\r\n\r\nUNICEF - In the headquarters of Budapest we are aiming to enhance the various processes. Currently, I am focusing on co-workers\' performances and to speed-up the different mechanisms. \r\n

Current location:  Budapest, Hungary - View on map
Nationality: Hungarian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  Pharmaceutical and Science, IT and Technology, other
Spoken languages: english, Hungarian
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
