userskills like '%analysis / analytical%' or userskills like '%negotiating skills%' or userskills like '%excellent communicator%' or userskills like '%research%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%analysis / analytical%' or userskills like '%negotiating skills%' or userskills like '%excellent communicator%' or userskills like '%research%') and profile_id<150196 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

An Accountant/Financial Analyst

I am an astute accountant with competitive experience in the financial sector and professional services. I am a certified financial analyst.
Currently, I work with KPMG Professional Services in Nigeria, where i deliver excellent services within turnaround time. My skills include proficiency in Microsoft use, Excel,.
My experiences and efficiency at my different work place have exposed me to how businesses can be managed effectively, thus I believe i have the cognitive experience.
Serial No: 150196
Skills keywords: analysis / analytical, excellent communicator, negotiating skills, research
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Research Skills\r\nProfessional/Chartered Accountant in view with one paper pending\r\nFinancial Modelling and Valuation Analyst - Completed\r\nCybersecurity - In view\r\nDuoling French - In view

Interests & Hobbies:

Travelling, Research and Reading.

Previous Employment Details:

KPMG Professional Services - Quality Assurance(Advisory) - Aug 2021 -December 2021: Analyzing and reconciling asset proofs, Devised a means to reduce backlogs and specifying quality requirements of asset\r\n\r\nKPMG Professional Services - Audit Technician II - Feb 2022 - Till Date: Performs Financial Statement review and Internal reference to the appropriate books of account, Circularization of letters and performed external audit.\r\n\r\nFidelity Bank Plc - Customer Service Officer - Jan 2020 - August 2021:Handled Customer\'s Complaints and provided appropriate solutions, maintained customer\'s database and updated it periodically, and directed customers to online resources.\r\n

Current location:  Lagos, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, Banking Insurance and Financial Services
Spoken languages: english, french, Igbo, Yoruba
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
