userskills like '%tally%' or userskills like '%ms word/excel%' or userskills like '%ms powerpoint%' or userskills like '%ms outlook%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%tally%' or userskills like '%ms word/excel%' or userskills like '%ms powerpoint%' or userskills like '%ms outlook%') and profile_id<122383 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10


I have worked as an accounts assistant & purchase supervisor cum accountant. In both of roles i have performed well & carried out my duties with assigned responsibilities.
Serial No: 122383
Skills keywords: ms outlook, ms powerpoint, ms word/excel, tally
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Master of Business Administration (MBA)\r\nBachelor Of Commerce (Bcom)

Interests & Hobbies:

Sports, travel, & reading\r\n

Previous Employment Details:

Shabbir Momin Audit & Tax Consultant\r\n27 November 2018 30 May 2019\r\n(6 Months)\r\nIndia\r\nDuties Performed\r\n*Maintaining accurate record of day to day transactions\r\n*Recording of all purchase invoces\r\n*Auditing of financial statements\r\n*Calcualation of tax payable on sales\r\n*Attending clients for document collection & delivery\r\n*Manual & competrized recording of financial data & transaction\r\n*Sending necessary tax returns by post to the concerned authority\r\n*Updating internal systems with financial data\r\n*Prepared financial statements\r\n \r\nChinchin Chinese Restaurant L.L.C\r\nPurchase Supervisor Cum Accountant\r\n(1 year 6 Months)\r\n\r\nThere were many duties in brief:-\r\n*Using tally erp 9 for making P.O & D.O for 16 oulets\r\n*Follow ups\r\n*Maintainance of inventory levels\r\n*Attending deliveries\r\n*Inspecting opening & closing stock of items\r\n*Keeping record of day to day transfers\r\n*Maintaining supplier vendor dealing\r\n*Corporate supplier payments\r\n*Posting & Filing of invoices\r\n*Payment reconciliation\r\n

Current location:  Dubai, United Arab Emirates - View on map
Nationality: Indian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, Manufacturing and Operations, Oil, Gas and Energy
Spoken languages: english, Hindi, KANNADA, marathi, Urdu
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
