userskills like '%accounting and reporting%' or userskills like '%mergers and acquisitions%' or userskills like '%management skills%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%accounting and reporting%' or userskills like '%mergers and acquisitions%' or userskills like '%management skills%') and profile_id<110626 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Accounting manager seeking work in EU

With over 12 year of finance and accounting experience, with CPA and ACCA membership, I am dedicated to enhancing efficiencies and maintaining liquidity of companies to generate revenue and reduce costs. By designing and introducing simple controls, I effectively drive ambitious objectives and consolidate financial reporting practices, achieving consistency.
I have gained invaluable insight into the effective management of mergers and acquisitions and have successfully remodeled financial structures to incorporate IFRS and GAAP regulations.
As a pragmatic problem-solver, I am able to develop robust solutions that mitigate risks, promote synergy and consistently achieve economic growth. I believe in nurturing performance and by encouraging knowledge sharing among team members, have strengthened their understanding of tax advisory issues.
Serial No: 110626
Skills keywords: accounting and reporting, management skills, mergers and acquisitions
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Mergers and acquisitions\r\nIFRS standards/regulations\r\nStrategic Financial Planning\r\nFinancial Analysis/Reporting\r\nBudget Forecast/Allocation\r\nCross-Team Collaboration\r\nProcess improvements/redesign\r\nCost reduction measures\r\nTax planning/compliance\r\nACCA member\r\nCPA member\r\nMSc Professional Accountancy

Interests & Hobbies:


Previous Employment Details:

2007-2008 Auditor, Deloitte Albania\r\nPerform audits of financial accounts, systems and operations for clients to note serious enfringements and recommend improvements to adhere with local GAAP and IFRS.\r\n2008-2009, Head of Finance, ABCom\r\nCoordinated and controlled all financial activities within the department in order to maintain liquidity position and influence strategic decisions to align with cost control and expense management procedures.\r\n2009-2020, Head of Accounting, ABCom\r\nEffectively coordinate and control financial functions associated with the company that operates in the telecommunication industry, spanning in 16 cites within the country and over 600 employees, to facilitate exponential growth of revenue. \r\n

Current location:  Albania - View on map
Nationality: Albanian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, IT and Technology, Travel and Tourism
Spoken languages: english, italian
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
