userskills like '%general ledger%' or userskills like '%taxation%' or userskills like '%financial reporting%' or userskills like '%prepare management accounts%' or userskills like '%accounts payable%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%general ledger%' or userskills like '%taxation%' or userskills like '%financial reporting%' or userskills like '%prepare management accounts%' or userskills like '%accounts payable%') and profile_id<124965 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Accounting and Finance professional

Highly capable accounting and finance professional with over 14 years experience .A strong team leader with demonstrated ability to manage a diverse team to work towards a common goal. Some of my core skills include GL, Bank and Cash reconciliations, Taxation management, Budgeting & forecasting, Accounts Payable and receivable management, Financial accounting and reporting.
Serial No: 124965
Skills keywords: accounts payable, financial reporting, general ledger, prepare management accounts, taxation
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Bachelor of Business Management\r\nCPA Finalist\r\nMs Office, Quick books & Pastel

Interests & Hobbies:

Reading, Travelling & Adventure, Watching Soccer,

Previous Employment Details:

Oriflame East Africa Ltd-Senior Accountant Feb 2013-June 2020\r\nPowergroup Technologies Ltd-Accountant Oct 2011-Jan 2013\r\nMellech Group of Companies-Accountant Sept 2008-Aug 2011\r\nCity Park Traders Sacco-Accounts Manager Oct 2005-June 2008

Current location:  Nairobi County, Kenya - View on map
Nationality: Kenyan
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance
Spoken languages: english, Kikuyu, Swahili
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
