userskills like '%accountancy skills%' or userskills like '%book keeping%' or userskills like '%audits%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%accountancy skills%' or userskills like '%book keeping%' or userskills like '%audits%') and profile_id<121590 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

Accountant seeking to work in any part of Africa

I have over the past ten years accumulated a wide experience and skills from world renowned companies to put me in the firefly of any challenge in finance and accounting management.
These skills and experience acquired have broaden my horizon and thinking and I can sincerely say am perfect suite for any vacancy in that regard or capacity.
Serial No: 121590
Skills keywords: accountancy skills, audits, book keeping
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

MBA(Accounting and Finance)\r\nBachelor of Commerce \r\nFraud Detection \r\nProject Management

Interests & Hobbies:

Admiring Nature \r\nPhotographer \r\nFamily Time

Previous Employment Details:

Financial Controller \r\nBusac Fund - 2017-Till date\r\nOverall oversight of financial and accounting management.\r\nProcurement and Internal control duties.\r\n\r\nAccount Controller \r\nThe Coca Cola Bottling Company of Ghana 2013 -2016\r\nCAPEX management \r\nBudget preparation and control\r\nAudit if various branches in the country\r\n\r\nBusiness Application Support Supervisor \r\nThe Coca Cola Bottling Company of Ghana 2012 - 2013\r\nSystem Audit\r\nTraining of staff on company software applications \r\nRemodeling of Inventory system \r\n

Current location:  Ghana - View on map
Nationality: Ghanaian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, Construction, Oil, Gas and Energy
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
