userskills like '%accounting%' or userskills like '%tax compliance%' or userskills like '%financial analyst%' or userskills like '%financial audit%' or userskills like '%cost management%'Select id, profile_id, post_title from profiles_meta where 1=(userskills like '%accounting%' or userskills like '%tax compliance%' or userskills like '%financial analyst%' or userskills like '%financial audit%' or userskills like '%cost management%') and profile_id<153705 order by profile_id desc limit 0,10

A Versatile accounting and tax professional

I am an accounting graduate from Yaba College of Technology, an Associate member of the Association of Accounting Technicians West Africa (AATWA) and a Professional Student Member at the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Nigeria (ICAN).

Tax and Finance piques my interest and I have developed skills and experience in relevant Financial Accounting Standards, tax compliance services, payroll management and tax audit over the years.

I consider myself a highly focused and success-driven individual who constantly seeks opportunities to improve while developing various skills required to thrive in a dynamic environment. I nurture a growth mindset; one that doesn\'t settle for mediocrity; one that believes that intelligence, ability and performance can be improved; one with a \"can do\" attitude!

My ambition is to become an expert in providing long-term support to businesses by resolving their issues through Finance and Tax.
Serial No: 153705
Skills keywords: accounting, cost management, financial analyst, financial audit, tax compliance
List Of Qualifications & Related Skills:

Chartered Accountant (ACA)\r\nFinancial Modelling & Valuation Analyst (FMVA) 2022\r\nCorporate Finance Institute (CFI)\r\nAssociate Accounting Technician (AAT)\r\nValuation analyst certification

Interests & Hobbies:


Previous Employment Details:

TAX ANALYST \r\nApril 2022 - Present\r\nMAZARS CONSULTING \r\n\r\n• Payment and Filing Tax with relevant Tax Authority (Including Company Income Tax (CIT), Education Tax,\r\nValue Added Tax (VAT) and Withholding tax for Clients).\r\n• Prepares payroll, Pension and Pay as You Earn (PAYE) computation for clients\r\n• Bank Statements Analysis\r\n• Preparation of management report\r\n• Prepares written responses or objection letter to resolve State and federal assessment.\r\n• Contacts FIRS or other relevant government authorities on behalf of clients to address issues related to tax\r\nassessments.\r\n• Receivables Management.\r\n• QCE application process for acceptance certificate.\r\n\r\nAUDIT TRAINEE\r\n January 2021–December 2021\r\n\r\nCRESTPOINT CONSULTING\r\n\r\n• Payment and Filing Tax with relevant Tax Authority (Including Company Income Tax (CIT), Education Tax,\r\nValue Added Tax (VAT) and Withholding tax for Clients).\r\n• Prepares payroll, Pension and Pay as You Earn (PAYE) computation for clients\r\n• Corporate Affair Commission Service (Business Name Reservation, Business Registration, Annual Returns\r\nfiling and Post Incorporation Services).\r\n• Recruitment and outsourcing services\r\n• Prepared Written responses or tax return amendments to resolve State and federal notice.\r\n• Attended to tax audits engagements and tax compliance reviews.\r\n

Current location:  Lagos, Nigeria - View on map
Nationality: Nigerian
Preferred Sector of Employment:  accounting and finance, IT and Technology, Banking Insurance and Financial Services
Spoken languages: english
Location I am interested in working: Anywhere
